The treaty idea-
1\All prisoners of war must be handed over to there home lands.
2\All war criminal on both sides must be put on trial by the UN.
3\All sides must co-operate it the removal of landmines and the repair of atomic power stations.
4\Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, the LPR, the DPR, Transdenistra, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia shall respect ethnic and religious minority rights.
5\The Red Star and Gold Star emblems can't be used as Russian national symbols, since they are Soviet\Communist ones and must only be used as such.
6\All nations of the world will co-operate in dealing with the reconstruction of both nation and the heath need for those wounded or driven mad by the war.
7\The Suwałki Gap will become a UN patrolled neutral zone.
8\Russia will keep the LPR, DPR and Crimea, but will renounce any clams on the rest of Ukraine forever!
9\Russia will renounce any claims on Alaska, Finland, Poland and the states of the former USSR forever, which the lost long ago, with good reason!
10\Russian media and education system must not be as a propaganda or indoctrination system.
11\Russia will repay all Ukraine's war debt and all the losses (fiscal, economic, material, etc,) it has suffered during the war over the next 50 years. It stands at the total war damage of Ukraine was estimated at 135 billion U.S. dollars in the February of 2024.
12\All POWs, refugees, kidnapped people, hostages, refugees and displaced persons must be allowed to return to their homes unmolested.
13\Poland, Hungary and Romania will renounce any clams on the rest of Ukraine forever!
14\Russia has stolen $530 million of Ukrainian grain as of February 2024 or sale abroad. Russia must repay this in grain output over the next 10 years.
15\Russia will be allowed to re-join the SWIFT international backing system.
16\Moscow and St. Petersburg have a bad reputation of being centres of repression. The capital will be moved to the old Viking era capital of Veliky Novgorod. It can be only nominal, things you find in a capital like the stock existing don't need to move, just the honour and title of being the Russian capital.
17\Russians need think for themselves and their leaders need to be open to criticism for their failures. The right to freedom of expression has been recognised as a human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law by the United Nations. Every person, regime, organisation and company deserves review, criticism, advice and praise when justified. Only cowards and losers fake elections. President Putin's not man enough to face real elections. Many countries have constitutional law that protects free speech. Terms like free speech, freedom of speech, and freedom of expression are used interchangeably in political discourse. However, in a legal sense, the freedom of expression includes any activity of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. The version of Article 19 in the ICCPR later amends this by stating that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "[f]or respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "[f]or the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals". It is not OK to use hate speech, libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, leaked classified information, committing copyright violations, leaked trade secrets, and so on in this context.
18\The Russian military must be reformed. No Russian officer will swindle their subordinates out of their pay or supplies, nor will troops of any rank steal weapons, fuel, uniforms, rations or kit. No one in the Russian military will commit war crimes, order war crimes or steel either supplies or money of their comrades in arms.
19\Russia needs to be a democracy. An elected democracy makes sure that the person in charge is usually the one with the best ideas, good personal integrity and the one the people like most will win. If democracy prevails, the scumbags lose and no one needs to assassinate any one.
20\Russia's military can't rise over 950,000.
21\Conscription will be banned in Russia.
22\Russia won Kaliningrad Oblast fair and square after the Great Patriotic War and so they will keep it as part of Russia for ever unless the locals say otherwise.
23\The Russian education system and media must be free to tell the truth never spew out propaganda! Putin treated the public like mushrooms, feeding them shit and keeping them in the dark all the time. The people don't really know just how much they did not know, since they simply did not know anything at all except for Putin's propaganda!
24\Both sides must co-operate in disclosing the location of all landmines and there subsequent destruction and/or removal.
25\Both sides must understand that both destroying hospitals and killing medics with out a good reason is evil, cowardly, pathetic, ignoble, perverted and a major war crime!
25\Both sides must understand that using chemical weapon with out a good reason is evil, cowardly, pathetic, ignoble, perverted and a major war crime!
26\Russia and Ukraine must start to tackle corruption it there countries armed forces. Corruption is perceived as a significant problem in Russia, impacting various aspects of life and the state. Ukraine has had a series of politicians from different sides of the political spectrum to gain power.
27\Russia must publicly apologise to its forces for giving them poor and inadequate rations, fuel, body armour, medical supplies and ammo during the Ukraine war.
28\Russia must privatise 25% to 33% of it's stake in state run oil and gas firms. Most shares will go to the Russian people and other Russian companies, but 1% will be reserved for Polish people and firms, and 1% will be given as a free gift to the government of Ukraine.
Supplementary request idea-
1/It was reckoned in 1947 that it would take about 100 Hiroshima/Nagasaki yield level nukes that were either used simultaneously or in quick succession could destroy civilisation and that not many more were needed to destroy humanity as a whole. As a result no nation will have over, let's say, 250 nukes with a total yield of 5.25Mt and an individual yield of 21kt (the 1945 Nagasaki bomb). So the USA, Russia, China, UK, India and France should cut their arsenals to meet this target as soon as possible, with N. Korea (?) and Pakistan trimming there's as needed. So far Israel has not crossed this line. Those who have not breached this limit will not do so in future either, since it is the responsibility of all nuclear powers to avoid wiping out the paint in an atomic holocaust. International observers from the UN would enforce this rule.
2/All mobile land based ICBMs and sea based SLBMs are to be banned. Only immobile missile silos would remain for ICBM use. International observers from the UN would enforce this rule.
3/Russia won the Kuril Islands fair and square after the Great Patriotic War and so they will keep it as part of Russia for ever unless the locals say otherwise.
4/The West will teach both Russia and Ukraine how to make and use aramid fibres like Kevlar for use in body armour.
5/No Russian military personnel will get drunk or hung-over on duty.
6/No Russian military personnel will embezzle the Ministry of Defence, steal equipment, steal supplies, steal armour or steal weapons from their bases and depots.
7/ Both Ukrainian and Russian must defeat the ultra-far right factions that are known of before they become to big to stop.
8/The area south of 60 degrees in the Southern Latitude and north of 85 degrees in the Northern Latitude, including all ice shelves shall not be used by the military, shall not have its mineral resources exploited and shall not have it's wildlife harmed. Nothing in the ban meant to stop or prejudice or in any way affect the rights, or the exercise of the rights, of any State under international law with regard to the high seas within that area; or any scientific work or search and rescue work.
9/America can defend Taiwan from PRC aggression, but can't encourage Tawnies aggression towards the PRC. All US arms sales to Taiwan must be of only defensive equipment like anti-aircraft guns, search lights, camouflage nets, radar, radios, helmets, small patrol boats, airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system aircraft etc.
Note this-
1\No one will get obsessed with buying lots of Russian oil and gas again, but things may recover over time. Russia was a significant producer of a vast range of mineral commodities, including aluminium, arsenic, cement, copper, magnesium compounds and metals, nitrogen, palladium, silicon, nickel, vanadium, platinum, cobalt, gold, sulphur, silver, phosphate, gypsum, molybdenum, bauxite, zinc, tin, diamonds and uranium. Making friends with the West could buy at least some of it again once sanctions are lifted.
2\It is good to see Russian troops are adapting to modern warfare and using drones. Things may be become even better for Russia if Russia and Ukraine were in NATO. Both nations would benefit from NATO training, weapons and equipment.
3\Russia needs a real leader, not a coward who can't justify his plans in a free election. Rigging an election victory is both unfair and cowardly.
If Russia uses nukes first then they are doomed! The UK, USA and France will stuff Russia full with cruse missiles attacks and if the nuke was a big one, then a counter nuking will probably occur. Attacking a NATO nation will cause most NATO to come in agent Russia. France and Poland will look forward to defeating Russia regardless of the losses they suffer in the war.
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