Would every one agree that- 1983: Doomsday is atomo-fantasy and 1962: The Apocalypse became ASB (very over overoptimistic) and this genera is only about to please doom merchants, CND's more cynical parts, necrophiliacs and war-wackys.
Would every one agree that- 1983: Doomsday is atomo-fantasy and 1962: The Apocalypse became ASB (very over overoptimistic) and this genera is only about to please doom merchants, CND's more cynical parts, necrophiliacs and war-wackys.
Teen voyerisum?
I would not like Bicester blown up!
It would be horrific, so why do they portray it as some how easy and harmless beyond the destroyed army bases and big cities?
Exactly my point! The alternate history stories that so many do are promoting it, necrophilia gloating over the deaths or portraying a non-event!
They are just stupid and sick They are often sick on Russia \ Nazi \ France \ Arabic for my taste anyway.