It was reckoned in 1947 that it would take about 100 Hiroshima/Nagasaki yield level nukes that were either used simultaneously or in quick succession could destroy civilisation and that not many more were needed to destroy humanity as a whole.
As a result, no nation will have over, let's say, 250 nukes with a total yield of 5.25Mt and an individual yield of 21kt (the 1945 Nagasaki bomb) out the planet in an atomic holocaust. International observers from the UN would enforce this rule.
All mobile land based ICBMs and submarine based SLBMs are to be banned. Only immobile missile silos with ICBMs inside them and bomber aircraft with free fall gravity bombs would remain use. International observers from the UN would enforce this rule.
Cruise missile will have a maximum range of 200 miles.
MREV warheads would be banned. 1 missile = 1 nuke and/or 1 decoy, no more, no less! International observers from the UN would enforce this rule.
Nukes are never, ever, to be put in to hypersonic weapons what so ever!!!
Due to the Russo-Ukrainian war of the 2020s, Ukraine can develop atomic arms under the above restrictions unless Russia gives them up and\or stops attacking Ukraine.