In rei publicae tempus quaestio: The political question and scenario time![]
The idea:[]
Here are some interesting hypothetical political pertinent morality questions, plausible events and economic dilemmas on national affairs that are based on what would hit a British dominated society with, French, Dutch, Belgian, Norse, American and Irish under a democratic British type regime, equivalent to the years 1995 and 2020.
The date is January 3rd, 2021, on the fake island nation of Bristowe Island in the North Atlantic!
The climate is a mixture of: maritime, humid subtropical climate that closely borders on maritime because it is largely influenced by the warm Gulf Stream and the surrounding ocean, Mediterranean, oceanic that borders on a warm-summer Mediterranean climate, continental climate bordering on Mediterranean, Alpine, sub-Arctic, mountain temperate, mountain sub-polar marine west coast that borders on a warm-summer Mediterranean climate, warm summer continental, humid continental climate, warm-summer Mediterranean climate, hemi-boreal continental, subpolar oceanic and boreal subarctic climates.
It is set on an fictitious island, in part of the real North Atlantic. The multicultural nation portrayed is statistically comparable to Western Europe, New England and Pennsylvania in 1995 and 2020. The island's area is 122,767 miles squared (roughly 110% of that of the UK and Ireland combined) and the population is 57,857,576. It is placed equidistant between Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia, The Azores, St Kilda in the UK and Nantucket Island in the USA.
It is a friendly capitalist democracy that is modelled on the UK's systems of law, military ethos, commerce, education and government. It is a member of FIFA, the IOC, the ICRC, NATO, the UN and the Commonwealth of Nations.
It is a totally fictitious example nation and island which has it's own domestic affairs and locations based on factual events and the hypothetical situations set with in it. It is a political simulator, brain teaser, nation builder, constructed world and quiz; not a political parody, political commentary, political polemic, woke bitch off, anti-woke bitch off or slur on any nation, location, firm, organisation or person.
National Statistics and Regional profiles[]
National Statistics[]
- GDP per capita is $62,000.
- Child mortality is minimal.
- Armed forces personnel number 25,500.
- Adult literacy is 100%.
- Life expectancy is 78.5 years of age for both genders.
- HDI is high.
- Exchange rate 1 BI£ is 0.96 GB£.
- Area is 122,767 miles squared.
- Population in 2020 is 57,857,576.
- Emergency phone numbers: 911, 112, 999 and 111.
- The system of government is that of a federation.
- Their leader King Paul Robert Swain, who is a constitutional monarch. His P.M is the democratically elected Roland Bob Bristowe.
- The origin of it's name is from it's English discoverer, William Alan Bristowe, who first landed on the island 1545.
Regional profiles[]
Region. | Regional capital. | Area in square miles. | Population in millions. | Population Density. | Climate. | Language(s) and dialects. |
Clearwater Region | Clearwater | 4,440 | 5.75 | 1,295 | Maritime. | Scouse, Mancunian, Lancastrian English and Punjabi. |
Chalk Vale Region | 2,225 | 1.75 | 786 | Maritime. | Southern English. | |
Northern Region | 3,310 | 2.45 | 740 | Maritime and sub-polar oceanic. | Geordie and Northumbrian English. | |
Rhanbarth Ymreolaethol Cymru | 7,850 | 1.57 | 200 | Maritime and sub-polar oceanic. | Welsh, Welsh-English and Midlands English. | |
South Western Region | 6,475 | 2.56 | 395 | Maritime. | West Country English. | |
Nieuwe Autonome Regio Groningen | Groningen | 2,395 | 0.65 | 272 | Maritime. | Standard Dutch, Zealandic Dutch, Frisian and Flemish. |
Harrisburg Region | Harrisburg | 1,165 | 1.65 | 1,416 | Cool Continental, humid continental, maritime and Alpine. | New England English. |
Southern Region | 2,395 | 1.56 | 651 | Maritime. | Southern English. | |
South Eastern | 1,350 | 1.55 | 1,148 | Maritime. | Southern English. | |
Iron Stone Region | 2,575 | 1.75 | 679 | Maritime. | Midlands English and Southern English. | |
Penderrek Region | Penderrek | 2,950 | 0.55 | 186 | Maritime and sub-polar oceanic. | Cumbrian English. |
Barton Vale Region | Barton Town | 3,550 | 3.37 | 946 | Maritime. | Midlands English. |
Western Region | 2,255 | 2.65 | 594 | Maritime. | Southern English, West Country English and Midlands English. | |
Bristowe City Region | Bristowe City | 615 | 5.65 | 9,186 | Maritime. | Southern English with R.P pronunciation, Southern English, New England English, Cantonese, Punjabi, Kashmiri and Metropolitan French. |
Breakwater Region | Breakwater | 1,575 | 2.57 | 1,631 | Maritime. | Southern English. |
Mòr-roinn Eisimeileach Caledonia Nuadh | 27,475 | 1.75 | 63 | Maritime, sub-Arctic, sub-polar and sub-polar oceanic. | Scots Gaelic, Scots-English, Scots dialect, Kashmiri. | |
Sjálfstjórnarsvæði Malvik | Malvik | 4,765 | 0.55 | 115 | Sub-polar and sub-polar oceanic. | Icelandic and Norn. |
Cúige Uathrialach Hibernia Nua | 17,575 | 1.56 | 88 | Maritime. | Irish Gaelic, Ulster Scots and Hiberno-English. | |
Préfecture Autonome de Nouveau Mont de le Wallonia | Nouveau Mons de le Wallonia | 2,635 | 0.65 | 246 | Maritime. | Walloon, Belgian French, Metropolitan French, Picardy French, Standardised Arabic, Cantonese and Hausa. |
Préfecture Autonome de Nouvelle Normandie | 4,545 | 0.75 | 165 | Maritime. | Breton, Metropolitan French, Norman French, Picardy French and Standardised Arabic. | |
San Pedro region | Santa Maria | 2,425 | 1.28 | 527 | Mediterranean and humid continental. | Castilian Spanish. |
Eastern Region | Fordham | 7,675 | 5.45 | 710 | Maritime. | Broad Norfolk and Southern English. |
Central Region | Ramsdale | 7,750 | 5.75 | 741 | Maritime and sub-polar oceanic. | Yorkshire English. |
Nouveau Cherbourg | Nouveau Cherbourg | 47 | 0.27 | 5,755 | Maratime. | Southern English, Broad Norfolk, Metropolitan French, Norman French and Picardy French. |
Tor Kernow | Tor Kernow | 1,750 | 0.55 | 371 | Maritime. | Cornish, Wessex English and Southern English |
Barton New Town | Barton New Town | 275 | 1.57 | 5,709 | Maritime. | Midlands English, Kasmiri, Punjabi and Standardised Arabic. |
. | . | . | . | . | . | . |
The whole nation. | Bristow City. | 122,767 | 57.85 | Various from sub-Artic to sub-tropical, but mostly temperate. | Official language- Southern English with R.P pronunciation. Common languages- Southern English with R.P pronunciation for inter-regional use and all the regions various local languages in various regions. |
The questions[]
Nation wide[]
- National issue 1
Ty beanie toys were banned and all those who were already sold confiscated by the state due to there poor structural integrity, low fire resistance and the obsessive hording behaviour it was sparking off in some individuals.
A large number of fakes reached the island from Taiwan in 1997, most of which were promptly removed from toy shops and burnt at the time by the police. Fights raguly broke out in toy shops and a owner was stabbed in Fordham after the shop run out in 1998.
They are still outlawed to this day with the islanders' popular support.
- National issue 2
The 15 newly imported British army MOWAG Piranhas were tested out just south of Banntown, which is 1 1/2 miles south east of Bannford, but 6 of them leaked badly and urgently needed to be repaired due to the leaks in them.
The defence minister complained to the UK's defence minister they had sold the BIDF "rundown rubbish that should have gone to the scrapyard." The UK's defence minister denied this and called his Bristowe Island counter part a "small minded twat.".
- National issue 3
This years live fire exercise just south of Banntown reviled that most of the shells were duds that never went off since they were to old to be used any more. More and more old shells have been used ever since 2008 and less and less new ones were made.
For years rumours have swilled around about money being stolen and not spent on artillery shells and it appears to be true.
- National issue 4
People throwing stones of Bridges at passing trains have bean hit, most cases occur in Clearwater, Chalkville, Fordham, Bristowe City and Sutton. The train crews have warned that passengers and crew could be injured if a window breaks. The police are investigating several incidents they have got leads on.
Several train crews have made there feeling on the issue clear on Sutton FM and Bristowe Island Chronicler. The railway companies are installing CCTV cameras in some places to catch the hooligans at it so they can identify them to police.
- National issue 5
Most of the nation's passenger railways were franchised out to Connex, First Group and Stagecoach in 1998, but it was beset with troubles from the start! Scrapping the numerous ageing trains, concrete cancer in the station buildings and poor trackside drainage issues have made it extremely difficult for them to make a profit. Connex may need a government fiscal bailout of about BI£12,500,000 to avoid there franchise holding subsidiary going bankrupt next year. Stagecoach and First Group are also having trouble, but are not facing franchise operator bankruptcy yet.
- National issue 6
6 Russian aircraft flew over Malvik a month ago and 1 was hot down by the BIAF, killing the piolet instantly. They were not very good at flying and swore at Malvik radar base in Russian except one, who was above average in piloting skill and swore in both Russian and Tartar!
The aircraft wreckage was examined and these findings were made:
- Built about- 40 years ago.
- Tech Level- Late 1960s to early 1970s.
- Made in- Mostly Ukrainian SSR, Georgian SSR and Russian SSR (Moscow Oblast and Tatarstan ASSR).
- State of repair- Poor.
- Quality of build- Moderate.
- Quality of piolet- Low.
- Quality of maintenance- Moderate.
- National issue 7
The state run Bristowe Island Bus and Coach Corporation has bought a new fleet of 50 busses to replace 50 of there aging fleet of 65 busses last year. Strangely 25 were destroyed by arson attacks over the last week. Police say that there is no evidence of illegal actions by corporate rivals or organised crime groups. It is also too well co-ordinated and too wide spread for it to be just vandals. Some MPs say it was Russia paying them out for the earlier Malvik shootdown insolent.
Clearwater Region[]
Local event 1[]
The port city of Clearwater lies 25 miles northeast of Tref y Dyffryn. The local bus station is a major transport hub for the city. Sadly the IT system running the real time passenger information displays crashed repeatedly, due to lack of memory errors, since it was installed last week. Both the Bristowe Island Bus Corp. and the Telecommunication and IT Facility Coordination Group (TFITCG) are looking in to why General Electric Company plc sold them such inadequate stuff.
Local event 2[]
The River Clearwater (left) and the River Royce (right) meeting to form the River Boyd. The 50 year old bridge on the M7 Tref y Dyffryn-Clearwater motorway is near to collapse with concret cancer.
The alkali–silica reaction (ASR), more commonly known as "concrete cancer", is a swelling reaction that occurs over time in concrete between the highly alkaline cement paste and the reactive non-crystalline (amorphous) silica found in many common aggregates, given sufficient moisture. ASR can lead to serious cracking in concrete, resulting in critical structural problems that can even force the demolition of a particular structure.
The County council and Ministry of Transportation say it is OK, yet the Clearwater Gazette, Clearwater FM, Bristow Island Driving Society and the East Clearwater Residents Association all say it's it's dangerous decayed, which evidence suggests is for the most part true.
The river is also raguly filled with autumn leaves and smells strongly of methane.
Local event 3[]
One mile south of Clearwater is the costal commuter town of Benton. It's newly elected National Party MP recently said it was a "brain dead hovel full of morons in little red brick boxes!". He also mocked the fact that most of the locals, unlike him, spoke Scouse. He then, unsurprisingly, received a dead rodent in the post a week day later. He was also slammed by the hosts of Clearwater FM's breakfast show a few days after he said his controversial remarks. It is reckoned that his short and ugly political career is now over and he will stand down for another party candidate at the next election.
Local event 4[]
Clearwater's St. Cuthbert's Church is raguly vandalised by local, mostly jobless youths after the local community centre burnt down a year ago . The vicar thinks they need help finding jobs and entertainment, but the verger thinks they are evil and worthless. Most people just don't like finding litter and food debris strewn about the grave yard every Saturday and Sunday.
Local event 5[]
John Hogarth dock in the port city of Clearwater was raided a few days back by the Bristow Island National Narcotics Squad to find a reported illegal importation of LSD after a tip-off.
They did seas indeed 2,000 LSD tabs, 5lb of 90% pure cocaine and 4,000 ecstasy pills, along with 2 local dealers. They also unexpectedly found 3,000 pairs of fake Nike trainers, but not the people that were planning to pick them up.
Local event 6[]
The 4,000 year old Longfell Castlerigg Stone Circle in the Clearwater Fell Country, 22 miles N. E. of Clearwater. It has been a local attraction for about 250 years and is archaeological proof of the island's first inhabitants. Local hooligans threw paint over them several times recently and the park rangers are being outsmarted each time. A police officer is now on patrol there during weekdays to help find out who is doing it.
Local event 7[]
The Clearwater to Chalkville via Barton canal in the satellite town of Volehampton, 18 miles southwest of Clearwater City Centre, is blocking up badly with crap since is regularly used as a makeshift dump by both the local furniture factory and several locals. It has also not been cleaned out out for 15 years and stinks badly in the summer. Late night drunks regularly piss and puke in the river to. The local duck population has imploded from 35 to 22 in the last 4 years.
The water was also carrying large amounts of oil and grime that was leaking from a drane that was broken at least 10 years ago, may be a few year longer than that, who knows exactly when. The drain runs beneath 2 garages and several shops. The research was carried out by King's College, London, UK.
Environmentalists want it cleaned out, the junk removed and have it made environmentally friendly. The local drunks still want to use it as a toilet and vomitorium. Local some local people and the local furniture firm still want to use it as an informal dump. Everyone agrees the heavy summer stench of stagnant water, human urine, excess natural sulfur compounds and excess natural methane gas needs to be dealt with quickly.
Volehampton District Council Volehampton County Council Clearwater Regional Council say they can not afford to clean it out for the foreseeable future and blame each other for the failure to look after the canal in recent years.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 5 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is high and asthma levels are heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Volehampton, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the grey summer haze that comes down over the Volehampton centre at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
Local event 8[]
Volebridge, 19 miles southwest of Clearwater City Centre, is a run down ex-mining town. The pit ran from 1880 to 1980, when it closed for economic reasons. The local pottery closed in 1985 and the local furniture shop closed in 1990. Most young people now work in Volehampton and then move out of Volebridge once they have enough money to do so.
The locals lament the lack of jobs, lack of local amenities, endemic vandalism by bored youth, the decaying council flats, high number of oldies, declining population and heavy traffic pouring in to Volehampton on there streets. Many say there town needs a by-pass road to elevate the rush-hour traffic going through it.
Volebridge District Council Volehampton County Council Clearwater Regional Council say they can not afford to clean it out for the foreseeable future and blame each other for the failure to look after the town in recent years.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 4 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is high and asthma levels are heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Volehampton, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the grey summer haze that comes down over the Volehampton centre at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
Local event 9[]
10 miles south east of Benton is the city Celest. There were several reports made at Celest airport and Volehampton Anadrome of people in Celest shining laser pens in to cockpit windows and badly dazzling pilots' eyes! One of the piolets went on national TV to alert people of what was going on and why it is so dangerous to do it.
Local event 10[]
The 20 mile Benton to Castleford via Celest railway passes through several rural places. Sheep and people regularly wander through broken fences on to track causing delays. Many train drivers said in the Clearwater Gazette and Castleford FM that fear they may collide with a animal or person. None of the farmers have taken head of this so the ministry will will fence off the line and provide a foot bridge as soon as possible.
Local event 11[]
Langkirk is 38 miles north of Clearwarter. The town centre is now choking with traffic due to the closure of the fiscally unviable train services last year. A near by local brick factory and stone quarry have expanded last year leading to more trucks and cars going their. The locals want traffic numbers cut soon. The rail lobby want the station reopened, but that would be costly since it's been demolished. The roads lobby want a bypass, but several local farmers don't want it running through there farm land. Some locals would like to see more buses in their town and a town centre ELZ or ULEZ. Most of the population is bilingual in Standard British English (Southern English with an RP accent) and Lanky.
Chalk Vale Region[]
Local event 1[]
Chalkville is 75 miles west of Bristow City Center and 25 miles south of Hepworth. Nighthawking is the theft of archaeological artefacts from protected archaeological sites and areas under the cover of darkness, something which has become common on this farm over the last 10 years. It all started when the Chalk Vale Regional Archaeological Society found some 500 year old pottery on the site. Once they left the nighthawking started.
The farmers' dog bit one badly and was shot last year. He lost a leg, but not his feisty attitude! The farmer put a CCTV camera in the most raided field and on his tractor shed door.
Local event 2[]
Chalkville station has been improved over the last 6 years! It has more wheelchair ramps, a lift for wheelchair usage and more notices in braille text for blind people.
The local MP said that wheelchair users were "A bunch of worthless spasmo-dicks." in the Chalkville and District Gazette.
The National Disabled Beuro and local residents held a rally the next day outside it in support of the ramps and lift.
Local event 3[]
Chalkville 17th century Manor House formerly formerly belonged to the island's King. It became The governor's palace 150 years ago and then the local museum in 70 years ago.
A suspected nighthawker said that thought it was going to soft on local farmer's property rights and paying metal detectorists to little for their finds. He then took his trousers down, waggled his penis at a curator, put his trousers back on and ran out before the curator could stop him.
Local event 4[]
A bunch of drunk party goers burst into the grounds of Chalkville Holy Trinity parish church on Boxing Day night, ruing the place. The impromptu drunken rampage lead to the place being covered in vomit, litter, urine and fast-food. A gravestone was knocked over. The local vicar and curate were very upset by this and condemned the incident both on Radio Chalkville FM and in the Chalkville and District Gazette the next day.
Local event 5[]
Steepleton is 57 miles west of Bristow City Center and 35 miles south of Hepworth. Nighthawking is the theft of archaeological artifacts from protected archaeological sites and areas under the cover of darkness, something which has become common on this farm over the last 10 years. It all started when the Chalk Vale Regional Archaeological Society found some Viking era pottery on the site. Once they left the nighthawking started.
The farmer had tried to scare them off worth his rottweiler dog, but they only left after they accidental found an old IRA arms dump. It has now been despised of by Bristowe Island's army bomb disposal team.
Local event 6[]
The Clearwater to Homerville via Barton City and Chalkville M6 motorway passes through the Alder Hills. The road regularly becomes regularly iced over in the winter, which is why there are several vehicles crashes and 2-5 deaths there each year. The Bristow Island Driving Society has called for it to be reguly de iced, but the transport minister says it is not worth spending further money on extra deicing and gritting runs over it.
Local event 7[]
Ben Shaw Pont in the Alder Hills is a popular tourist site, but it has become hopelessly covered in litter and dog shit. The Alderville Parish Council has complained about the phenomena in the Chalkville and District Gazette, but with no avail, since no one wants to use other the lter bins or the dog shit bin provided.
Local event 8[]
The station opened in 1885, closed to passengers in 1905, closed to freight in 1965 and has been an access point for rail-workers and (platelayers, trackmen, etc.) ever since.
The Alderville Parish Council, Alder Vale Parish Council, Alder Vale County Council and Alder Vale FM have all expressed concern over the open nature of the site.
There have been several incidents of theft, persistent trespassing, some vandalism incidents and 5 suicides since 1997.
- The last 12 were:
- A railway air compressor was stolen on 13\07\2010.
- Wiring for new signalling cables was stolen on 08\09\2010
- Railway tools were stolen on 12\12\2012.
- Railway tools were stolen on 20\12\2012.
- Railway tools were stolen on 08\09\2015.
- A railway air compressor was stolen on 07\04\2020.
- An Alder Vale man committed suicide by throwing himself under a train after finding out he had AIDS9, causing a 5 1/2 hour blockage on the line on 12\05\2020.
- Railway tools were stolen on 08\07\2020.
- A railway air compressor was stolen on 13\07\2020.
- An Alderville man committed suicide by throwing himself under a train after finding out he had Covid-19, causing a 7 hour blockage on the line on 14\07\2020.
- A railway air compressor was stolen on 15\07\2020.
- Railway tools were stolen on 07\08\2020.
Local event 9[]
A small pipe bomb blew up at the entrance gate to BIAFB Henderson a few days ago and no one was harmed. The air base is 10 miles north of Chalkville. Chalkville Police examined the debris and found no definitive evidence. No one is suspected or calming responsibility for the blast as of yet, but police enquiry continue.
Local event 10[]
Chalkville Power Station was hacked for the 7th time in the last 2 years. Only minor damage was caused to a unprotected hard drive. It is unclear what the scale of yesterday's attack was, but an investigation has been launched in to it, the PM said. Government security experts are trying to find all the programming and security weaknesses in the port authority's computers. They have also advised every one on the island to change there logon passwords.
3 of the 7 attacks were from were Chinese, 3 was Russian and 1 was Colombian.
Northern Province[]
Local event 1[]
A construction permit covering sand and gravel was issued last month for a sight 1 mile west of the northern town of Ramston. Aggregate MN, Direct Aggregate Supplies Ltd. and Lafarge S.A. will operate the site.
People's concerns are relating to the noise, dust, extra traffic and the cutting down of several ~100 year old trees. Economists say it will create jobs for the next 20 to 30 years. Ecologists say it will be ruin the environment for the next 50 to 60 years. The roads of are very potholed to due to years of bad weather and council neglect. The roads are often full of 3 to 4 ft heavy snow drifts in January and February.
Local event 2[]
The village church flooded 3 years ago. The villagers and vicar want the River Quickwater dragged out and canalized to reduce the risk of flooding. Environmentalists say it will probably kill the large local newt colony. The floods left 100 families homeless and the local school badly damaged. It took 6 months to clear up and repair the flood damage.
Local event 3[]
The 200 year old all Church of St James in Longford ran out of money to repair the failing roof, which has leaked for 3 years due to heavy storm damage. Youths stole the remaining roof lead last year. The local vicar launched an appeal for funds in the Ramsdale gazette.
Church donations, the Ramsdale gazette appeal and a online crowdfunding campaign have raised a lot of money, but it is still not enough to do all the repairs with, so the vicar has now requested help from the ministry of culture.
Local event 4[]
5 miles west of Ramston is Longford. Some locals claimed that new Balti quesne restaurant and Chinese takeaway both make a bad stink and a lot of litter in the High Street since they opened 2 months ago.
Ramston and Longford Borough Council's inspector found last month that whilst litter went up a bit, the was neither any notable smell or a spike in anti-social behaviour around the shops. The council has chosen to investigate how many new litter bins are needed and were they can be put in the High Street. The Ramsdale gazette launched an appeal to remote the installation of more litter bins in the street and people using the existing one more often.
Rhanbarth Ymreolaethol Cymru[]
Local event 1[]
The place is a popular seaside resort, but summer night life is getting ruined by rising knife crime. It is at a 12 year high and may break the 20 year high this year if it continues to rise at current rates. The public say drugs, drunkenness, joblessness and youth center closures are blighting the town. Social experts say it's because of obesity, joblessness and youth center closures. The police and teachers both blame drugs, lack of moral fiber and youth center closures. Doctors are desperate to stop the influx of stabbed, hopelessly drunk and dangerously high people. Local takeaway and souvenir shop owners are desperate to stop the nocturnal stabbings that on several occasions spilled over into their shops.
Sadly, another teenage male was stabbed last night. He was wounded in the neck outside the local college and is now critically ill in the hospital. Witnesses told the Tref y Dyffryn Recorder the ethnically Welsh victim was chased and attacked in the road outside the town's technical college by a mob of about 6 to 8 ethnically English teenagers of mixed gender. The victim was brought into the nearby library for treatment after the attack. Tref y Dyffryn County Police said no arrests have been made so far and their inquiries continue.
Local event 2[]
The northwestern hamlet of Porth y Geifr is dependent on road transport to connect it to the rest of the nation's rural northwest and Tref y Dyffryn. Not many people have cars in the hamlet or the rural northwest. The local bus service says the rout to Tref y Dyffryn is non-viable without a major state subsidy due to poor passenger numbers, so it will be withdrawn soon. The locals say they will be cut off and the village will die. Tref y Dyffryn County Council say that local taxes must go up modestly to pay for the subsiding of the routes that will be closed otherwise.
Local event 3[]
Llyn Defaid Junction 15 south west of Tref y Dyffryn is a popular tourist station that is very busy with campers and hikers in the spring and summer. It's 5 lines go to Tref y Dyffryn, Baile an Abhainn, Harrisburg, Hepworth and Barton.The small town of Llyn Defaid relies on the tourist industry for 90% of it's jobs, the rest being at the railway station and the local farms.
Vandals keep on blocking the line to Tref y Dyffryn and Baile an Abhainn at night with concrete blocks for the last 8 months. 8 trains stopped in time, but 6 were derailed at low speed. The manager of Bristowe Island Railway said on both national TV and Rhanbarth Ymreolaethol Cymru AM's Welsh language service that he was concerned about the train delays, wasted time, wasted money damage trains and risk of ether injury or death caused by the vandalism.
Tref y Dyffryn County Police said no arrests have been made so far and their enquiries continue. A security guard and cop now patrol the station day and night, and they will continue to do so for the next 6 months. A CCTV system will be installed next month.
Local event 4[]
The Bethesda Slate Quarry was opened in 1931 and closed in 2007 due to rising costs. It is 1 mile north west of Tref y Dyffryn. The barrier fence fell down in 2021 and warning singe was destroyed in 2013. Several suicides, a murder, an illegal rave and countless drug abuse acts have now taken place there, to the locals' disgust. The locals want a security guard to patrol the site to keep intruders out.
Local event 5[]
Fort Lancaster is a former WW1 and WW2 army base 1.5 mile south east of Tref y Dyffryn. It was shelled-out by the German navy in WW2. It was rebuilt in 1946 and closed in 1958. A local farmer's sheep was walking around in it and several were blown op by a long abandoned anti-personnel landmine. The farmer found a live 1950s hand grenade, live 1940s anti-personnel mine and some bullets, which were safely deposed of. The bomb squad inspected the place and declared it safe after weak of activity.
Local event 6[]
Fort Greywood is a former WW1 and WW2 army base 1.5 mile south west of Tref y Dyffryn. It was shelled-out by the German navy in WW2. It was rebuilt in 1946 and closed in 1957. A local child was messing around in it and found a live 1950s hand grenade, which was safely defused. The bomb squad inspected the place and declared it safe after 2 days activity.
South Western Region[]
- Local event 1
The ever growing heaps of dropped litter on Drax's Beach on the south western Drax Peninsula has lead to a seagull, herring gull and pigeon infestation crisis. The number of birds went up from 100 to 1,000 over the last 5 years. No one likes the disruptive, greedy, noisey and hyper-violent infestation!
- Local event 2
The 3 polling stations in the the south western village of Goatington are never used much and the villages are known for a historically low turn out rate.
Reports have it that most of the ballot box were inexplicably stuffed full of ballot papers and tellers won't explain why. A vising journalist from the Bristowe Island Chronicler said he thinks there is electoral fraud through the use of ballot stuffing taking place.
- Local event 3
The High Street is little used by locals. The citizens of the small town of Hamilton are scared that the recent spate of late night muggings and last month's bank robbery will drive tourists away from the town. There are calls for more CCTV cameras, stronger policing and the opening a local youth club from the parish council and local activists. Jobs outside the tourist sector are limited to a few shops, a pub, a bank and 3 farms.
The locals also recently became terrified that a citizen would get run down and killed by speeders and joyriders from Brockley Borough and Bushford Borough, who think they can treat Hamilton like a racetrack. There are calls from everyone for speed cameras, shickianes and\or speed bumps to stop the hooligans from driving so fast. Both the robbers behind last month's bank robbery and most of the muggers behind the recent spate of late night muggings were also not local and the headlines of the Bristowe Island Chronicler are frightening to read.
A security guard and cop now patrol the High Street, along with the adjoining bus station and village green at night, and will continue to do so for the next 6 months. Southwestern Regional Police said no arrests have been made so far and their enquiries continue.
- Local event 4
The small farming village of Searlehampton is 1 mile west of Goatington. A bunch of drunk party goers burst into the grounds of Searlehampton parish church on a May Day night, ruing the place. The impromptu drunken rampage lead to the place being covered in vomit, litter, urine, pro-ethnic English graffiti and fast-food. A gravestone was knocked over and another grave pooped on. The local vicar was very upset by this and condemned the incident in the Searlehampton and Goatington Chronicle the next day.
Nouveau Cherbourg[]
- Local event 1
Hackers have hit Nouveau Cherbourg port, 38 east of Bristow City for the 12th time this year. Some sensitive trade secrets and bank account details were stolen. It is unclear what the scale of yesterday's attack was, but an investigation has been launched in to it, the PM said. Government security experts are trying to find all the programming and security weaknesses in the port authority's computers. They have also advised every one on the island to change there logon passwords.
4 of the 12 attacks were from the UK, 3 were French, 3 were Chinese, 1 was N. Korean and 1 was Russian.
- Local event 2
A tanker driver was sacked for smoking at the Nouveau Caen Oil Refinery due to the risk of igniting any highly combustible petroleum fumes present at the site! Both the refinery and tanker company managers have subsequently remined taker drivers and refinery workers of the no smoking ban on the site.
- Local event 3
The small commuter town of New Guilford 4.5 miles west of Nouveau Cherbourg. A bunch of high party goers burst into the grounds of New Guilford parish church on a May Day night, ruing the place. The impromptu narco-crazed rampage lead to the place being covered in vomit, litter, urine, pro-ethnic English graffiti and fast-food. A gravestone was knocked over and another grave puked on. The local vicar was very upset by this and condemned the incident in the Nouveau Cherbourg and New Guilford Gazette the next day.
Nieuwe Autonome Regio Groningen[]
- Local event 1
The canal in the eastern village of De Velden is silting up badly with mud from upstream and has not been dredged out for 20 years. Environmentalists want the local newts and swans left in peace, but local residents want it dredged out to avoid flooding during extremely wet weather, like that which hit the area 3 and 6 years ago. The floods of 3 year ago led to 100 of the 175 residents having their homes flooded. The 5 local farms and the local cheese factory were also badly flooded. The flooding lasted for 3 weeks and the damage was fixed after 6 months.
- Local event 2
The polders of the Nieuwe Autonome Regio Groningen are flooding due to rising sea levels and stormier weather. The Gemeenteraads of De Velden and De Polderlanden imminent catastrophic if nothing is done to reduce the risk of flooding in the near future. The locals want the flood barriers, storm drains and channels upgraded, especially after the flooding of De Velden 3 and 6 years ago. The process would be very costly and moderately environmentally damaging in the short run, but the floods would be severely abated.
- Local event 3
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is a neurodegenerative disease of cattle. Symptoms include abnormal behavior, trouble walking, and weight loss. Later in the course the cow becomes unable to move. The time between infection and onset of symptoms is generally four to five years. Time from onset of symptoms to death is generally weeks to months.
BSE has be found in some cattle in the farming communities around the small market town of De Polderlanden. The farmers agree to have their infected cattle put down and burnt, are concerned by the fiscal impact. They are demanding heavy financial compensation to avoid bankruptcy due to the lost stock and productivity. Farming produces 90% of the town's jobs.
Farm hygiene has also been improved slightly.
- Local event 4
The autonomous Gemeenteraad of Vlaamse stad Antwerpen is 5 miles northeast of the small market town of De Polderlanden.
There is a growing call by many locals that all refugees are to prevented them from immediately benefiting from the social security system. The Burgermeister has survived also public opinion expelling Arab and African immigrants of any kind (that's the job of the Border Control Agency, not the Gemeenteraad of Vlaamse stad Antwerpen). He also beat up a Walloon journalist during a temper tantrum late last year and did 6 months' jail time for it!
- Local event 5
The steelmaking town of Groot Meer Stad is 50 miles north of Fordham. It is a major industrial settlement and is the centre of the Island's steel output. The town is 75% dependent on it for jobs.
People have been urged to avoid the Island Steel Corp. steelworks after a series of 3 rapid "huge explosions" Groot Meer Stad caused a fire to broke out and caused heavy damage at the plant's smelting facilities. Residents reported hearing "3 loud bangs", felt a "strange compression" in the air that sounded "as though a passenger jet were about to pass", also felt a "apocalyptic shaking of the ground" and that they saw a "bright yellow light engulfing the town" at the steelworks in the Nieuwe Autonome Regio Groningen. Harrowing phone and camcorder images showed plumes of smoke rising from the island's largest steel plant. The 3 explosions ripped through steel plant over a 5 minute period after spillage of liquid iron occurred due to poor handling of a train carrying molten iron metal.
The National Air Patrol Police Service launched a helicopter with in minutes to monitor the situation and 6 specialist Groot Meer Stad Fire Engines arrived within minutes of the 1st blast.
The local MP quickly raised safety concerns at the steelworks on Groot Meer FM, after a fireman told him at the scean that 2 people were injured in an explosion. He said he new it was an accident waiting to happen and he had raised his concerns repeatedly. The head of Groot Meer Stad Hospital said "The blast came from a train used to carry molten metal and 3 people were slightly burnt by splashed metal.". The head of Groot Meer Stad Police said "Early indications are that the seat of the explosion was a train which carries molten metal into the works.".
The island's industrial health and safety body is now investigating the scean and are opening an official report into what had happened in the accident and how to prevent it' recurrence in future. The steel plant will take 6 months to repair.
Harrisburg Region[]
- Local event 1
The Harrisburg Regional Game Commission said last week that it would cost BI£1,700,000 to make Harrisburg Hiking Trail safe to use after last winter's heavy rain and snow toppled many trees and damage bridge on the route and there money is running out. It was founded 145 years ago by Americans who moved to Bristow Island to escape the American Civil War.
- Local event 2
Harrisburg City's unemployment rate at record low 3.9 percent; down 4.2% on last year and lowest for 32 years. This is mostly due to the opening of a new mobile phone factory, a Dutch car insurance firm's Bristow Island branch's head office and a power station in the city. The city's factories also makes some post-formed worktops, wall panels, particleboard, medium density fibreboard, laminate flooring, resins and lubricating oil.
Every year, for the last 10 years, Harrisburg stocks its public waterways with millions of trout and salmon in the hopes that people will follow to fish in the rivers as on next year. Fishing license sales are at 50-year low, but with the planned increase release numbers will lead to more fish for wildlife and fishermen to catch.
The town's mascot is the salamander. The slimy amphibian needs clean streams to thrive, but oil leaking into the river made them ill and fall in number over the last 10 years.
- Local event 3
A 50 year old Harrisburg man was arrested and charged yesterday in connection with the disappearance and death by drowning of his 45 year old wife in the River Yr Afon Fawr during a hiking trip through Lincoln Regional Park last winter. He and his brother claimed it was an accident.
A 10 year old boy killed his 6 year old sister while playing with a gun in on the same stretch of path as the earlier drowning incident. The kid said his father gave him the gun and said the safety catch was on, but it evidently was not. The gun control and gun ownership lobbies both asy that people should use guns responsibly.
A 24 year old alcoholic woman also faces life in prison without the possibility of parole for smothering her 1.5 year old kid to death by holding him against the bedding of an air mattress until he stopped breathing. She said he was was evil, boring to know and sounded like a Furby on dope. She also tried to poison her cheating boyfriend the next day in a local bar, leading to a 4 day stint in hospital for the boyfriend. The baby's corpse was dumped in the River Yr Afon Fawr during a picnic with friends in the Lincoln Regional Park last month.
- Local event 4
The 126 year old mine at Huston fields on the border with Rhanbarth Ymreolaethol Cymru closed 10 years ago, with the loss of 500 jobs, and was demolished last year. The Huston Fields coke works and Harrisburg City Steel Foundry Corp. works stayed open, but at a reduced capacity.
The long unstable spoil heap is starting to be looted by people after free coal. It is now dangerously unstable and may collapse soon, probably killing someone.
- Local event 5
The mass shooting at a the Harrisburg City Steel Foundry Corp. works has reignited the debate about gun rights in the island and how compares to the rest of the world.
The places change, the numbers change, but the choice of weapon mostly remains the same. On the island people who want to kill a lot of other people most often do it with guns, especially in Harrisburg.
The perpetrator had a grudge against the world and feels that if it were not for the system, things would have gone better for him, according to cops. They arrested him after he was shot and wounded by a security guard. He will be charged with 3 attempted murders. The 3 victims are recovering in hospital.
- Local event 6
An police officer saw flames in the office through a 3rd floor window last night and raced to help, along with the janitor. Apparently 2 male teens were playing with a lighter started the litter bin fire according to Harrisburg City Police. They face being put on trial arson, breaking and entering, trespass and vandalism in the next few days.
- Local event 7
Harrisburg's ‘house of horrors’ parents face now face life in prison without the possibility of Parole. A 911 call from one of the 3 daughters was released. She told the 911 operator they were "Sometimes we live in filth", "We have head lice and scabies", "We know someone who gets punched" and "We lived most of our lives in handcuffs".
The Harrisburg Regional House of Representatives moved yesterday to toughen penalties for people who chose not report suspicions about repeated child sexual abuse and make it explicit offence punishable with 6 years in jail.
- Local event 8
A Harrisburg teen has just been arrested on homicide charges and her boyfriend was called in for questioning over the suspected death by drowning of her 71-year-old widowed grandfather for BI£30,000. He was found dead in the small port of Haven 10 miles to the south of of Harrisburg. Experts reckon he was had been in the water for 2 days and was washed downstream from Harrisburg or a nearby part of the Yr Afon Fawr in Lincoln Regional Park last winter. The kids have refused to co-operate with police, say they are innocent and got himself an attorney.
- Local event 9
About half of the 7,400 people committed to a Harrisburg Region prison over the last 3 years were jailed because either a probation or parole violation. They also mostly did not pay a minor fine or failed to see their parole officer at a scheduled meeting. Many of the were mentally ill, drug addicts, Black and\or between the ages of 15 and 25.
It has cost BI£335,450,000 for state taxpayers to keep those offenders imprisoned so far.
- Local event 10
A Harrisburg AT&T worker was crushed to death during lift accident in The AT&T Tower in Sylvester City, 10 miles south of Harrisburg. The box she was trying to move into the lift did not fit in to it properly. Her control of it was at best marginal due to it's size and awkward shape. Somehow, something triggered the controls, thus making the lift suddenly move downward before she was fully in it. Death followed soon afterwards.
The lift was swiftly closed off and a local lift repair firm's spokesperson said that it was: "A long faulty installation that broke every reg' in the book!".
- Local event 11
A drunken and previously ejected Harrisburg Hawkes fan broke back into Pittsburgh Lane Stadium during a Sylvester Snakes American (gridiron) football and began throwing stuff onto the playing field.
He was rejected for the stadium, arrested, fined BI£245, jailed over night due to his heavy intoxication levels and banned from entering the stadium for a month.
He said at the local police station he was treated with undue harshens because he was Black and both the match steward and security guard that ejected him were White, but the police chose not to investigate what he clamed happened to him in his allegations.
- Local event 12
A worker had his arm torn off during an accident with a in a poorly maintained conveyor belt at the gravel works. The firm was going under and was near to admitting corporate bankruptcy after 2 years.
A government industrial safety expert said that: "The firm should have spent more money on maintenance work and paying off it's creditors than on boss's high salaries and humongous yearly share bonuses!".
- Local event 13
A looking north at 4 old Victorian houses on Wilson Street in Ezra, 1 mile south of Harrisburg. Ezra used to be the worst slum on the island; but now, thanks to new local investments, a major new hospital and decaling drug use made it is a better place to live in and property values have risen massively over the last 10 years. The yellowish brick building above them is the Thomas Jefferson General Hospital on Lincoln Circle.
- Local event 14
A whistle blower working on the planning of the Rochester bypass road revealed the bridges were being made out of cheaper and weaker sub-standard cement. His claims were investigated by by the government's transport and construction bureaus and found to be true. The Bristowe Roadways Company was fined BI£1,750,000 and the 3 guilty mangers were each jailed for 10 years. The cement was not fatally weak, so the bridges could be used with a heavy weight restriction and will need to be replaced after 30 rather than 50 years.
Southern Region[]
- Local event 1
Beachwood Station, 22 miles south west of Bristow City Center. Most of its usage is in the rush hour. Several stabbings have occurred hear late at night and the CCTV cameras are largely broken due to lack of maintenance. The town of Beachwood and passengers that use the station are frightened of going there at night now and want a police patrol set up on the station. The headlines in the Beachwood Gazette about the muggings are frightening to read.
A security guard and cop now patrol the station at night and will continue to do so for the next 6 months. Beachwood District Police said no arrests have been made so far and their enquiries continue.
- Local event 2
5 miles west of Beresford Town is the commuter town of Homerville. The bridge over the River Homer is in poor repair due to concoreat cancer and a server barge collision incident last year. It is 1 of the 2 vital road links between the 2 halves of the town. Homerville Town Council say they can't afford to pay for the repairs and want government financial help to do so.
- Local event 3
The commuter village of Otterbrook lies 1.5 miles northwest of Berresford Town. They are plans to reopen a tramline that ran between Homerville, Beresford Town, Otterbrook and Draketown until it's closure 70 years ago. Passenger numbers were alway low over it's 60 year life span. Now the places have grown and the roads are getting congested the tramway would economically viable if rebuilt. Many people also think the village needs a few more buses running to Berresford Town and Homerville as well.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the grey summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City center at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
South Eastern Region[]
- Local event 1
A broken marine outfall\sewage outflow pipe Brock's Beach on the south eastern Brock Peninsula has lead to a algae bloom crisis this year. It broke 3 years ago and spews sewage 50 ft, not 100 ft out to sea. A sewage outflow pipe is a cheap but dirty solution for struggling sanitation boards. For earlier and fast expanding towns, it's the only solution, unless you transport excess sewage to neighboring towns in the region for processing. The first pipe was 115 years ago, but was scrapped 75 years ago. The current pipe is 75 years old and should have been fixed 35 years ago, but was not.
- Local event 2
The River Blackwater estuary passes the Blacklakes Industrial Estate and the Brereton to Blacklakes M1 motorway flyover (40 miles south on the Benton Estate and 3 miles north of the coastline).
The water is reportedly full of industrial water pollution after it came in contact with toxic chemicals, heavy metals, organic sewage sludge, and oil. There is much concern after all the fish died off earlier this year. Several seagulls died off soon afterwards and duck populations have fallen from 20 to 8 over the last 10 years. The headlines Bristowe Island Chronicler about the pollution are frightening to read. Everyone agrees that better technology is being developed for disposal of waste and recycling as much polluted water in the industries as possible.
Trace amounts of cocaine, ketamine, prescription drugs and banned pesticides have been found in the River Blackwater's wildlife across South Eastern Region. The research was carried out by King's College, London, UK.
Environmentalist, public health officials and doctors say the pollution must be cut fast and the river cleaned up as soon as possible!
- Local event 3
Hemington Is 2 miles southeast of Beachwood and the High Street is often used by locals. The citizens of the large town of Hemington are scared that the recent spate of late night muggings, the long-standing grafiti issues and last month's bank robbery will drive tourists away from the town centre. There are calls for more CCTV cameras, stronger policing and the opening a local youth club from the parish council and local activists. Both the behind the recent spate of late night muggings were mostly local and the headlines of the Hemington Observer are frightening to read.
A security guard and cop now patrol the High Street at night, and will continue to do so for the next 6 months. Hemington District Police said no arrests have been made so far and their enquiries continue.
- Local event 4
Shoretown Is 2 miles southeast of Hemington and a popular tourist resort. There has been an unexpectedly high outbreak Portuguese man-of-war. The are not really a jellyfish but a actually "floating colony of hydrozoans". The Jellyfish, who can cause painful stings, have to lead to reactions ranging from curiosity to outright fear.
Shoretown Town Council has indefinitely closed the beach and hope the jellyfish will soon go away. Many hoteliers fear that a long term shutdown will drive them out of business and want compensation from the government.
- Local event 5
Seaton's Farm 1 mile north west of Shoretown has just reported a major outbreak of BSE. It is the fist since the e Shoretown cases in 1995. Veterinary authorities are dealing with it, but the locals are scared it may spread to other herds in the area.
Iron Stone Region[]
- Local event 1
Ironford's town centre is now choking with traffic due to the closure of the fiscally unviable local bus and train services last year. A nearby local brick factory has expanded last year leading to more trucks and cars going their. The locals want traffic numbers cut soon. The rail lobby want the station reopened, but that would be costly since it's been demolished. The roads lobby want a bypass, but several local farmers don't want it running through there farm land.
- Local event 2
The 300 year old All Saints' Church and the 200 year old manor house in the Village of Swanley. The church is in disrepair after Swanley Parish Council ran out of money to repair the failing roof, which has leaked for 3 years due to heavy storm damage.
Church donations and a online crowdfunding campaign have raised a lot of money, but it is still not enough to do all the repairs with, so the vicar has now requested help from the ministry of culture.
- Local event 3
The 300 year old Ironford to Benton via Brereton Canal in Swanley village's David's Basin, 1 mile west of Ironford. It lost trade to the railways 150 years ago and was made a tourist attraction 50 years ago.
It has also not been cleaned out out for 20 years and stinks badly in the summer. Fly tippers illegally dumped som rubble in it last year. Late night drunks regularly piss and puke in the river to. The local duck population has imploded from 22 to 8 in the last 2 years. The local swan population has imploded from 12 to 2 in the last 2 years.
Environmentalists want it cleaned out, the junk removed and have it made environmentally friendly. Canal boat owners want the dangerous rubble dredged out. The local residents want it it cleaned out to avoid flooding during extremely wet and stormy weather, like that which hit the area 3 and 6 years ago. The flooding lasted for 3 weeks and the damage was fixed after 8 months. The local drunks still want to use it as a toilet and vomitorium.
- Local event 4
The 1775 Ironford to Benton via Brereton Canal in Lipham village's Vikki's Basin, 1.5 miles west of Ironford. It lost trade to the railways 150 years ago and was made a tourist attraction 50 years ago.
Late night drunks regularly piss and puke in the river to. The local duck population has fallen from 28 to 24 in the last 2 years. The local swan population has fallen from 32 to 28 in the last 10 years.
The local Residents' Community Association had put up a CCTV camera last year after a boat was vandalised. A local It was a key issue in why the 2 Lipham Wards on Ironford county council went to the Lipham Residents and Ratepayers Association. The local drunks still want to use it as a toilet and vomitorium.
- Local event 5
The Clearwater to Chalkville via Barton canal in Lipham is filling up with boats, but are they relay being used for bona fide navigation, not residential use. The canal is getting rather congested and sailing along it is getting somewhat difficult.
Penderrek Region[]
- Local event 1
The town of Penderrek, 125 miles north of Clearwater, has lost it's major sources of income due to recent events. Farming was devastated after the 2018 BSE cattle cull and the local hotel chose not to open in 2020 due to a pre-emptive local Covid-19 lockdown by the mayor which the owner agreed with owner.
They speak the Cumbrian dialect of English.
- Local event 2
The Island's biggest Covid-19 outbreak is in agricultural town of Langford, 22 miles northwest of Ramston. It is a major framing, meat packing, plank cutting and logging settlement. Most of the population is trilingual in Standard British English (Southern English with an RP accent), Lanky and Cumbrian dialect English.
A 2 month local lockdown, testing and tracking are all going ahead. The 32 victimas and 98 suspected victims are self-isolating.
100 people may have it do have it in Langford, with 20 more cases in Malvik, Clearwater, Baile an Abhainn, Longford, Ramston, Benton and Breakwater, so they are self isolating. The nation's 18 known victims are self-isolating in Langford, 12 more in Graintown, and the 16 others are self isolating in Malvik, Clearwater, Brockley, Baile an Abhainn.
The island has only a few victims so far and the disease is now fully contained.
Barton Vale Region[]
- Local event 1
The 450 year old Barton Castle of Barton Town is falling down and needs an expensive restoration job done to it very soon or it will face closure on safety grounds.
The town is in the geographic centre of the 540 mile wide by 750 mile long island. The 50 year old ceremonial plaque dedicated to this was in the castles' high tower, but has now been stolen by some one. Police have no suspects and no one has owned up to it.
- Local event 2
Barton Town West Station was opened in 145 years ago and then rebuilt 45 and 125 years ago. The passenger numbers fell consistently over the next 100 years. The station closed 10 years ago and was demolished 2 years ago. It is said by a local planning expert that it would be worth reopening after the new housing estate opens in 3 years time. It will cost a lot to rebuild the station. Currently a bus connects the current homes with local bus networks. Trains pass straight through on the journey between Beresford North and Barton Central.
- Local event 3
Barton Town East Station opened in 125 years ago and was rebuilt 85 and 35 years ago. The passenger numbers fell consistently over the next 20 years and it closed last year. It is said by a local planning expert that it would be worth reopening after the new housing estate opens in 3 years time. It won't cost much to renovate the station. Currently a bus connects the current homes with local bus networks. Trains pass straight through on the journey between Beresford North and Barton Central.
- Local event 4
The Barton Vale is rich in valuable mineral resources including coal, ironstone, clay, gypsum/anhydite, sand & gravel, limestone, building stone and silica sand. The exploitation of these resources have taken place for several centuries. There were several individual coalfields and mines in the Barton Vale from which several recently closed deep mines and an operational 6 year old open cast coal has been won.
Barton Colliery closed last year because it was mined out (all all viable coal removed by the mining operation). Many of the miners have worked hire all their lives and can't or won't retain. The pit also directly created 75% of the town's jobs and indirectly created 5% more, mostly at the local coking works. The rest of the jobs come from the local 5 supermarkets, 2 major DIY shops, several dozen corner shops, 3 garages, the railway station, the bus depot, a open cast coal mine, a clay pit, a ironstone mine, a stone quarry and a post office sorting depot.
- Local event 5
Ben Shaw was a leading agricultural workers' rights activist. He lead a major farm and orchard workers' combined strike 134 years ago over getting a better purchasing price from food factories for their produce. His farm is still in use by one of his descendants and the main building are listed as an historic monument.
Someone sent the current owner a envelope with a dead rat and a note supporting the local biscuit factory in it on last year's anniversary of the strike, Police have no suspects and no one has owned up to it.
- Local event 6
Ben Shaw was a leading agricultural workers' rights activist. He lead a major farm and orchard workers' combined strike 134 years ago over getting a better purchasing price from food factories for their produce.
Ben Shaw Point in central Badgerton, a satellite town 5 miles south of Barton was where he spent most of his time leading the strike from his tent. It was open fields back then, but was built on 80 years ago.
The 60 year old ceremonial plaque dedicated to this was at Ben Shaw Point, but has now been stolen by some one. Police have no suspects and no one has owned up to it.
- Local event 7
Hugh's Bridge is 10 miles northwest of Barton, in the village of Milton. A line leads from Barton to the local stone quarry 2 miles west of it and then Ironford cement works after another 60 miles to the south west. Speeders and joyriders regularly crash in to it. Some of the yobs were either drunk or high on high on synthetic cannabinoids like K2/Spice.
Doctors and firefighters are fed up with dealing with the horrific crashes, locals fear being crashed in to, cops don't like the dangerous pursuits of the louts, United Island Aggregates hates the disruption to there busses caused by the near constant bridge closures and the Bristowe Island Railways Board don't like constantly having to close the bridge for repairs.
- Local event 8
Barton North Station opened in 135 years ago and was rebuilt 125 years ago. The passenger numbers fell consistently over the next 60 years. The station closed 40 years ago and was demolished 20 years ago. It is said by a local planning expert that it would be worth reopening after the new housing estate and shopping mall open in 2 years time. It will cost a lot to rebuild the station and provide a nearby carpark. Currently a bus connects the current homes with local bus networks. Trains pass straight through on the journey between Draketown and Barton Central.
- Local event 9
Barton Central Station after it's resent electrification and teenage deaths. Electrification of the Beresford to Ramsdale main line through Hepworth and Barton was completed in time for scheduled electric train service to commence between Beresford, Hepworth and Barton late last year and the section from Barton to Roachlake and Ramsdale will be finished early next year.
A fool did not install the security fences and cameras correctly and several teenage graffiti artists have been electrocuted on the line this year.
Rail and construction industry rumor has it that the horrific project overspend was caused by corporate greed and incompetence of a monumental scale! Police are investigating and have named several suspects including a top civil servant at the Ministry of Transport.
- Local event 10
Pollution has long ruined part of the 1825 Clearwater to Chalkville via Barton Town canal in the commuter town of Slapton, which lays 2 miles south of Barton city centre.
It has been used by various industrial facilities for transport, water and wast despondent for it's entire life.
It was used by:
- 3 local farms (1745-1795)
- A major pottery(1818-1980)
- A tannery (1852-1886).
- A paint factory (1880-1920 and 1968-1989).
- A stone carving works (1918-1980)
- A gun factory (1921-1947).
- A solder factory (1921-1991).
- A furniture factory (1948-1968).
- A paper mill (1968-1989).
- A garage (1990 to date).
- A paper produce storage facility (1990-1997).
- A print-works (1998 to date).
It is to be a designated Environmental Superfund Site due to a number of soil, canal and groundwater contaminants, which are killing fish and causing skin allergy in those who play with the water.
The locals also blame the pollution for the higher than local cases of skin, liver, thyroid, bone and stomach cancer, but this has not been scientifically proven.
- Local event 11
The Clearwater to Chalkville via Barton canal at Badgerton is a popular place and is filling up with boats, but are they relay being used for bona fide navigation, not residential use. The canal is getting rather congested and sailing along it is getting quite difficult.
- Local event 12
Hackers have hit Barton Town Power Station for the 7th time this year. Only minor damage was caused to a unprotected hard drive. It is unclear what the scale of yesterday's attack was, but an investigation has been launched in to it, the PM said. Government security experts are trying to find all the programming and security weaknesses in the port authority's computers. They have also advised every one on the island to change there logon passwords.
3 of the 7 attacks were from were Chinese, 3 was Russian and 1 was Iranian.
- Local event 13
Barton Town East Station once had a 1/2 mile branch line to Oakshot Station. It opened in 125 years ago and was rebuilt 90 and 70 years ago. The passenger numbers fell consistently over the next 30 years and it closed 30 years ago year. It is said by a local planning expert that it would be worth reopening after the new housing estate opens in 3 years time. It won't cost much to rebuild the short line and rebuild the station. Currently a bus connects the current homes with local bus networks.
Barton New Town Region[]
- Local event 1
Recently youths have started hurling stones at cars on the M7 from Brereton to Clearwater at various locations in Barton New Town. Several motorists have complained in the Barton Vale Gazette about the attack and are concerned that it may lead to a serious accident on the road. The police are looking in to the situation and patrols will be placed on all local motorway bridges for the next few weeks.
- Local event 2
Hazelwood is 1 mile north of Barton New Town and 1 mile south of Barton Town. Rain water accumulation and a worn road surface in central Hazelwood have lead to a recent rise in incidents of vehicles Aquaplaning when they break suddenly. Several motorists have complained in the Barton Vale Gazette about the roads' surface water levels and are concerned that it may lead to a serious accident on the road. The police are looking in to the situation and are urging people to check there tyre tread depth and inflation pressure levels.
Barton New Town Regional Assembly has vowed to accelerate road surface renewal plans. Hazelwood County Council has cleaned local road drains yet again, removing even more litter and rotten leaves.
- Local event 3
Hackers have hit Hazelwood's trading estate for the 3rd time this year. Some sensitive trade secrets and bank account details were stolen. It is unclear what the scale of yesterday's attack was, but an investigation has been launched in to it, the PM said. Government security experts are trying to find all the programming and security weaknesses in the port authority's computers. They have also advised every one on the island to change there logon passwords. All 3 attacks were from China.
Western Region[]
- Local event 1
The early 15th-century packhorse bridge over the River Hepworth, the oldest bridge on the island, is a few hundred yards from the village of that name. This year's flood and both the floods 3 and 6 years ago badly undermined it's foundations and it may collapse in another flood. Locals do want it made safe, but don't want it demolished since it's the only road access across the river several farms have got. The farmers also want some minor flood defenses around it to defend there field from the worst of any future floods.
- Local event 2
Hepworth's Main Road is little used by locals. The locals recently became terrified that a school kid or the crossing attendant would get run down and killed by speeders and joyriders from Brockley Borough and Bushford Borough, who think they can treat Hepworth like a racetrack. There are calls from everyone for speed cameras, shickianes and\or speed bumps to stop the hooligans from driving so fast. The headlines on the reckless driving in the Hepworth Journal and Bristowe Island Chronicler are frightening to read as they reveal the true nature of what was going on.
A security guard and 2 cops now patrol the Main Road and will continue to do so for the next 6 months.
- Local event 3
Hepworth Station was upgraded and the line electrified year. Electrification of the Beresford to Ramsdale main line through Hepworth and Barton was completed in time for scheduled electric train service to commence between Beresford, Hepworth and Barton late last year and the section from Barton to Roachlake and Ramsdale will be finished early next year.
A fool did not install the toilets correctly and they are now blocked and stinky.
Rail and construction industry rumor has it that the horrific project overspend was caused by corporate greed and incompetence of a monumental scale! Police are investigating and have named several suspects including a top civil servant at the Ministry of Transport.
- Local event 4
The 15th century Merchants' House formerly formerly belonged to the island's fish, wool, cloth, lamb, pork, beaf, sausage, pottery and clay merchants. It became Hepworth's town hall in 1850 and then the local museum in 1950.
The local MP said that plans to replace some steps with a wheelchair ramp and hand rail "A stupid waste of money." in the Hepworth and District Journal.
The National Disabled Beuro and local residents held a rally the next day outside it in support of the ramp and handrail.
The ramp and handrail costs BI£ 12,000 and the museum has a surplus after expenses of £15,000. They usually have a BI£ 7,500 to BI£ 15,000 surplus each year for the last 20 years.
- Local event 5
The town of Hepworth Magna is 1 mile west Hepworth. Some unrepentant dog owners still ignore the dog poop-bins and let their dogs shit in the grass. The place stinks of dog-shit and the locals hate the stink! The district sanitation inspector was stabbed last weak visiting the area and the local street warden was glassed last month by unrepentant dog owners. The dog owners are now doing 6 months jail time and thire victims are recovering well.
- Local event 6
The 5G tower 1/2 a mile north of Hepworth has been burnt down by people wrongly blaming it for spreading COVID-19. Bristow Island Telecom and the Anti-Terrorist Police Unit are conducting legal interviews and forensic tests on the site.
The mast was a new 5G internet link and mobile phones are still all 4G.
- Local event 7
A local anti-vaxxer fired a crossbow bolt at a British BT Openreach engineer working on the phone poles 1/2 mile S. W. of Hepworth. Police have arrested him for attempted murder.
Bristow Island Telecom and BT Openreach engineers appealed on anti-5G Facebook groups, saying that they aren't involved in mobile networks, and workplace abuse is making it difficult for them to maintain phone-lines and broadband.
Greater Bristowe City Region[]
- Local event 1
The cost of renting stall space at the capital's Meadow St. Friday Market went up drastically for the 3rd time in a row. Brockley Borough Council say they need the money to maintain the area when the Market is away, but the market stall traders are saying it will put most of them out of business due to increased costs.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 5 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Brockley Borough, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the grey summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City centre at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 2
The the traders of the Meadow St. Friday Market's over-spill in both Kemp Street and Warwick Street, directly south of Bristowe City Centre, has reported that the old buildings are dangerous and decrepit. The shop owners and\or residents are fed up with the near constant 14 year old battle with rising damp and the resultant mouldy wall-paper. They also complain that rents and\or local business rates are also to high. Brockley Borough Council say they have too little money to upgrade and the maintain the 120 year old buildings, that were last renovated 60 years ago, prior to the rise of a series of notoriously wasteful or tight fisted councils.
- Local event 3
The The 30 year old motorway is getting congested in peak times, NOx air pollution is bad in peak times and some potholes are occurring in the tarmac surfacing to. Car and lorry fumes choke the urban valley and caused regular summer photochemical smogs over the district for last 20 years. The public, economists, ecologists, transport firms and transportation experts have several ideas including: a road toll charge, promoting the use of electric cars, adding an extra lane (with some difficulty due to limited roadside space) in both directions, a park and ride bus service and banning diesel fuel for use in cars. The headlines in the Bristowe Island Chronicler about the pollution are frightening to read as they reveal the true scale of the situation.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 7 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates, summer photochemical smogs and the grey summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City centre at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 4
Both the busy Bristowe Roundabout and the 125 year old bronze statue of King Robert Swain the 3rd, who had died 50 years befor it's erection, inside it are tourist spot for the entire planet. A blackmailer has said to Bristowe Borough Council and Bristowe City Police that if the government doesn't pay him £10,000,000 with in a month, he will blow it up and kill as many tourists as he can! Bristowe City Police said no arrests have been made so far and their inquiries continue.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 5 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the gray summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City center at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 5
The rundown East Benton Estate, 5 miles south of Bristowe City Center, is 175 years old and was regularly refurbished by Bushford Borough Council until 40 years ago. To save money they sold it to an existing private landlord, but his son took over 20 years ago and spent much of his earnings on lots of alcohol, gambling at slot machines and high-end watches.
Rising house maintenance bills, falling rent returns (many are now so poor they are legally rent exempt), the landlord's life style and the 5 year regional economic downturn have taken their toll and the estate has missed it's previous 10 yearly renovation and probably will miss it's next one later this year. The major storm that hit the estate 3 years ago dislodged many tiles and drains, but the landlord ignored and now several lofts are beginning to leak badly. Many of the Benton Estate's residents are also fed up with the near constant 12 year old battle with rising damp and the resultant moldy wall-paper.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 7 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the gray summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City center at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 6
Beresford Town, 12 miles west of Bristowe City Center is getting crowded. House prices are now very high after 20 years of sharp price and population growth. It was a small town for 300 years, the a commuter town for the next 50 years and a borough of Bristowe City for the last 30 years. Building spaces are now low and the roads are becoming congested, but there are some spaces for a new bus station and shopping center on the site of an old car factory.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 4 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is high and asthma levels are heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Beresford Town, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the gray summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City center at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 7
The 175 year old local park is popular and used by may kids, but druggies have used it as a shooting-up place for several years now. The cops are concerned by the local drug crisis and the local parents are concerned by the dropped needles. Beresford District Council installed some new spring riders, a replacement slide a CCTV camera and 2 lamp posts last year. Sadly, the slide was destroyed by a pick-axe wilding yob last month, like the old one was 2 years ago. He was fined £400 for it by the local magistrates court.
- Local event 8
Corrupt banks are stealing company money and the bosses pay bonuses are ridiculous high. They nearly collapsed the state's Bristow Island Central Bank and the privately held Islander Bank last year.
Insufficient car parking spaces, urban traffic levels and ultra high housing\office prices are all a major issues as well.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 5 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the gray summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City center at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 9
Trafic has slowly built up over the last 20 years on Drake street in Draketown, 7.5 miles north of Bristowe City Centre, due to increased housing and supermarkets causing more road traffic. Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 5 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the grey summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City centre at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air. Draketown Borough Council is also proposing a low level road congestion charge on non electric cars both to deter motorists and increase there revenue.
- Local event 10
The poor quality of the 50 year old housing is causing it to fall apart since the firm that made them did a poor job, leading to the 6 recent floorboard collapses. Those houses on Blake Estate. were condemned to be demolished 70 years before they should have. Many of Blake Estate residents are also fed up with the near constant 30 year old battle with rising damp and the resultant moldy wall-paper.
The alkali–silica reaction (ASR), more commonly known as "concrete cancer", is a swelling reaction that occurs over time in concrete between the highly alkaline cement paste and the reactive non-crystalline (amorphous) silica found in many common aggregates, given sufficient moisture. It has been demolishing the interior walls of the low rises and tower block for the last 5 years (including the decade old moldy wall paper).
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 4 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the gray summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City center at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air. Springford Borough Council is also proposing a low level road congestion charge on non electric cars both to deter motorists and increase there revenue.
- Local event 11
Brockley South Station is in a dodgy state and most of it's usage is in the rush hour. The closed old station freight buildings are still present on the left. On the right is the Lidl supermarket on the site of the former railway station sidings that served the ceramics factory and former cement works. The ceramics factory started using road transport 20 years ago and the former cement works closed 28 years ago and is now a major print works. The 40 year old ice rink is still in site and open.
A fast-food shop will open next year in the now closed station building. A new area of platform will open were the grassed over peace of old platform next to Lidl will have several flower pots and a litter bin put in it when the area is reopened to public use next month.
- Local event 12
The poor quality of the 70 year old housing is causing it to fall apart since the firm that made them did a poor job, leading to the 5 recent roofing collapses. Those houses on Winston St. were condemned to be demolished 60 years before they should have. Many of Winston St.'s residents are also fed up with the near constant 50 year old battle with rising damp and the resultant mouldy wall-paper.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 7 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the grey summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City centre at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 13
Blake Street joins Winston Street in Bristowe city, there is an over full skip in it. It's been there for several years after the workmen finished working on a house restoration left the site! Some of the fiberglass wool blows out of it at times, it smells of stagnant water and rats enjoy eating food scraps that get chucked in it by passers by. The firm that owned it have recently dined it was this or that they did the job despite official records and several local witnesses saying that it is theirs!
- Local event 14
Beresford Town airport was built in 1970 and is now in need of a new runway. The locals don't want a new runway or nocturnal noise caused by night time flights. Some say it will also increase local night time air pollution by sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides to unhealthy levels.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast.
- Local event 15
A Siemens Class 360 "Desiro" at Beresford Town Parkway. The trains had arrived last month, but the Bristow City Transport Corp. contract was 3 years late, 30% over original costs and apparently plagued with back-handers and kick-backs to the UK and BI Civil service, according to the Bristow Island Serious Fraud Squad.
The police reckon several of the island's civil servants may be arrested and charged over it.
- Local event 16
Ticket evasion has become so severe during peak hours over the last few years that the railway company is planning to install ticket barriers at Draketown Broardway and Draketown West to stop it taking place. Any one assaulting or abusing a member of station staff will also face a BI£1,000 fine.
- Local event 17
Fenton lies 2.5 miles south of Draketown, a suburb of Bristowe City, and is a busy area with both heavy traffic in the rush hour and during the night life at Saturday evenings. Fenton High Street is very crowded at these times and 26 people people had fallen under party goers cars, taxis and a night bus last year, but were not badly hurt due to the vehicles slow speeds in the thronging crowds. 1 of the injured people was high on ecstasy and 6 were drunk.
There are calls to make Fenton High Street a pedestrian only zone and for more local busses at weekends. Draketown and Fenton PTE has suggested a new station should be opened at Fenton on the site of the former one (it was open between 1898 and 1901 and the reopened between 1905 and 1925), linking it by rail to both Bristowe City and Draketown. The Ministry of Transport has offered it's support to building the new station , but would like it to be a bit smaller than planned to avoid spilling over in to local park.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 2 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy.
Breakwater Region[]
- Local event 1
12 miles southeast of Bristowe City Centre is the commuter town of Breakwater. The high street shops are closing due to competition from the out of town shopping mall that was opened last year. The main factor appears to be wider a range of goods general lower prices in the mall attracting most of the customers and the skyrocketing cost of renting the shops are eating into the shop owner's profits.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is very high and asthma levels are very heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Bristowe City, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the gravy summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City centre at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local Event 2
The main road through the village of Stanton, 10 miles south of Breakwater is prone to both speeding youths from and heavy leaf fall from overhanging trees on Stanton Manor. The lord of the manor refuses to cut back his trees for as yet unknown reasons over the last 5 years and and he was fined BI£1,000 last year by Stanton Parish Council over the leaf fall issue. Traffic is heavy in Stanton during the rush hour and minor accidents are frequent in bad weather.
Many locals and the road users fear a speeder skidding due to loss of traction on the wet and mouldy leaves or having lose branches falling on them in windy weather and having an serious accident on the blind corner. They also want speed humps and speed trap set up to slow the speeders down to prevent any future accidents from happening.
Mòr-roinn Eisimeileach Caledonia Nuadh[]
- Local event 1
The northern town of Baile an Abhainn, 200 miles north of Ramsdale, is dependent on road transport to connect it to the rest of the nation's rural north and north western village of Baile an Talaimh. Not many people have cars in the town or outlying settlements.
It is also dependent on the railways for connections to the western town of Tref y Dyffryn and central town of Ramsdale. The railway firm says the rout to the Tref y Dyffryn is unviable outside of peak hours without a major state subsidy due to poor passenger numbers, so the number of trains will fall from 10x 6 carriage trains a day to 5x 5 carriage trains on weekdays only. The locals say they fear the station will close in time and that they will be cut off.
The M3 Barton to Ramsdale motorway will be extended to Baile an Abhainn in about 8 years time.
- Local event 2
The 110 year old Kashmiri community in the McDonald Hills, has lived in harmony until now. This part of Mòr-roinn Eeisimeileach Caledonia Nuadh is sparsely populated and very rural in nature. Someone has shot several cattle over the last fortnight. The Kashmiris say it is not one of them or the local Scots. Baile an Abhainn County Police said no arrests have been made so far and their inquiries continue.
- Local event 3
2 small boats with 8 dead Gambians in it is washed up in Milton's harbour. The Gambians had all starved to death long ago. Non of them had been infected Covid-19.
The National Border Integrity Bureau is now investigating the incident and recon they were trying to illegally migrate to the UK or Ireland, but got lost and ended up in Bristowe Island.
- Local event 4
The 50 year old bridge on the Campbell Bridge in Cambellton, 1 mile south of Baile an Abhainn is begging to to collapse with concrete cancer.
The alkali–silica reaction (ASR), more commonly known as "concrete cancer", is a swelling reaction that occurs over time in concrete between the highly alkaline cement paste and the reactive non-crystalline (amorphous) silica found in many common aggregates, given sufficient moisture. ASR can lead to serious cracking in concrete, resulting in critical structural problems that can even force the demolition of a particular structure.
The County council and Ministry of Transportation say it is OK, yet the Cambelton Gazette, Cambelton AM, Bristow Island Driving Society and the Cambelton Residents Association all say it's going to become dangerous decayed in about 5-10 years time, which evidence suggests is for the most part true.
- Local event 5
Fort Isla is a former WW1 and WW2 army base 1.5 mile south west of Milton. It was shelled-out by the German navy in WW2. It was rebuilt in 1946 and closed in 1958. A Dutch camper found was looking around in and found a live 1950s hand grenade and some bullets, which were safely deposed of. The bomb squad inspected the place and declared it safe after 3 days activity. There was also a chemical inspection at the next day and they said it was free from chemical contamination.
- Local event 6
The peninsular known as Peterheid is to be made an official bird sanctuary and have the local rat population wiped out to help mitigate the island's declining puffin population. Puffin numbers fell sharply over the last 3 years due to the effects of both over fishing and rats redacting puffin eggs.
Sjálfstjórnarsvæði Malvik[]
- Local event 1
Malvik was first settled by Vikings in 920 and permanently inhabited since 1120. The port town of Malvick lies 175 miles north of Baile an Abhainn.
The Covid-19 social distancing and hygiene rules mean the 900th year Malvik anniversary celebrations are to be cancelled. No one minded due to the pandemic. The 6 victims are self-isolating.
The island has only a few victims so far and the disease is now fully contained.
- Local event 2
The local ferry services have been plagued with passengers getting drunk and then sea sick on the ferries. Malvik Ferries has now brought in a zero tolerance policy towards alcohol consumption in there ships and has launched an information campaign on the subject in the Malvik Journal.
Cúige Uathrialach Hibernia Nua[]
- Local event 1
The remote northern village of Baile an Talaimh is dependent on road transport to connect it to the rest of the nation's rural north and both the northern towns of Baile an Abhainn and Sheamustown. Not many people have cars in the village or the sparsely populated and rain soaked rural north.
The local bus service says the rout to Baile an Abhainn is non-viable without a major state subsidy due to poor passenger numbers, so it will be withdrawn soon. The locals say they will be cut off and the village will die. Baile an Abhainn County Council say that local taxes must go up slightly to pay for the subsiding of the routes that will be closed otherwise.
The settlement is bilingual in Hiberno-English and Irish.
- Local event 2
The popular out of town shopping centre that opened last year has lead to a massive increase in the Sheamustown's traffic, especially on northern town's High Street. The air pollution by NOx (a generic term for the nitrogen oxides that are most relevant for air pollution, namely nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2).) is higher than before and several people have been run over during heavy traffic, rather than just the odd nocturnal drunkard and miscreant child as before. The locals would like to keep the shopping centre and would also like to see more level crossings on the main urban roads.
The place is bilingual in both Ulster Scots dialect and Hiberno-English.
- Local event 3
Workvivo currently employs 35 people in Caróg Dhubh and has announce plans to increase its workforce there to 82 over the next 3 years. The new jobs are being supported by Bristow Island Enterprise Ireland and the location of the new facility will be at the the old Caróg Dhubh bus station (1935-1965), which lay derelict after it's closure and replacement in 1965. The locals look forward to the derelict building's demolition.
Colgate is also planning to open a new depot tn dear by fields in the near future, but many locals fear the loss of local green belt land
- Local event 4
Winter ice on the B-road through in rural Fort Limerick, 50 miles west of Baile an Talaimh is an issue and has caused many road accidents over recent years, some of which have proven fatal.
The problem that leads to both infrequent and inadequate road gritting is that so few would benefit from it it is not worth the cost to the county council of taking out to such a remote place.
- Local event 5
Glen Sheamus faces an uncertain future as planner try to improve the local transport network. A city bypass road will be put round Shemousetown to reduce trough trafic since the traffic levels are getting dangerously high during the rush hour.
The down side is that a major road through Glen Sheamus will probably ruin it's tranquil beauty. It is also a major nature reserve and the locals also dislike that to.
- Local event 6
The 3,000 year old Celtic rocks 1 mile west of Fort Limerick are at risk. Tourists are leaving litter, food debris and dog shit all over the site and are never using the litter or dog dirt bins. The problem always gets worse when the warden is on holiday.
- Local event 7
The residents in Willowholme Drive, Bannford, are complaining of anti-social behaviour brought on by the local pub recently getting longer opening hours, but the publican denies this. All of them agree that that bloke who spewed up in the street did have too much to drink!
Préfecture Autonome de Nouvelle Normandie[]
- Local event 1
Revolting farmers dumped hundreds of tonnes of manure and rotten vegetables on the streets of the southern town of Ville de François, as well as spraying a council water treatment office with slurry and trying to burn down the town hall as part of a major day of protest. The town was paralysed and traffic disrupted as the farmers on verge of bankruptcy vented their anger.
The Préfecture Autonome de Nouvelle Normandie produces a lot of farm produce, so the country has a surplus and thousands of tonnes of beef, pork, fruit and milk are destroyed each year. A Fiscal experts say end both the state's subsidies and over production, trade experts say sell it to new emerging markets in other continents and the farmer's union say around 10% of livestock farms are at risk of closure, putting some 40,000 jobs at risk.
- Local event 2
French anti-immigration protesters in Ville de François. They do not want more Kashmiris, Yemanies, Libyans, Egyptians, Ethiopian, Sudanese, South Sudanese or Somalis in the nation. The Africans and Arabs have arrived both legally and illegally over the last 10 year, mostly in the last 2 years. Local shops are under stress due to high demand and theft by those who can't pay. The Dutch, Flemings, English, Cornish and Scots also fear a rise in thire numbers. The Kashmiri community has been around for 100 years and some French, Scots, Dutch, Fleming and English hate it as well.
The Préfecture Autonome de Nouvelle Normandie's sennett put immigrants rights to settle at risk as a way of goal of managing the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ and is continuing it's now 2 year old persecution of African immigrants.
- Local event 3
Over the last few years, ethnic English drunks are repeatedly roaming the streets of the southern village Ville du Sud town center during the summer nights. The ethnic French Villagers are upset by the trails of vomit and empty beer cans. They also dislike the intermittent illegal rave parties held in the nearby farmers' fields.
Many of the drunks and party goers regard the local culture as pathetic and the vast majority don't know any Metropolitan or Normaund French; they mostly speak Standard British English or Tyke. About a third of the villagers now Standard British English and a few also know Scots Gaelic and or Tyke.
- Local event 4
Bovine tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease which affects a broad range of mammalian hosts, including humans, cattle, deer, llamas, pigs, domestic cats, wild carnivores (foxes, coyotes) and omnivores (common brushtail possum, mustelids and rodents); it rarely affects equids or sheep.
Bovine tuberculosis has be found in some cattle in the farming communities around the small market town of Poirot. The farmers agree to have their infected cattle put down and burnt, are concerned by the fiscal impact. They are demanding heavy financial compensation to avoid bankruptcy due to the lost stock and productivity. Farming produces 85% of the town's jobs.
Farm hygiene has also been improved slightly. Many experts are also calling for a heavy badger cull to stop it's spread between hurds. Support for traditional and eco-friendly farming methods has risen sharply as a result of the out break.
Nouveau Mont de le Wallonia[]
- Local event 1
The town of Mont de le Wallonia is 10 miles northeast of the French village of Ville du Sud and 1 mile noth east of Castea.
By the end of last summer, the Préfecture Autonome de Nouveau Mont de le Wallonia regional authorities said they would no longer register all asylum seekers and said it set a quota of 250 registrations a day. Many Arabs, Chinese and Africans already live peacefully in the town, but Nouveau Mons de le Wallonia can't either take all the island's in the fullness of time or take in so many in one go!
A consultation document on planned immigrant numbers and a public awareness program, on how to understand Islamic culture were launched last month and will continue for the next 3 months.
The Island's PM says the politicians of the Préfecture Autonome de Nouveau Mons de le Wallonia should be applauded for using their authority for the public good since immigrants should spread more equally across the country.
- Local event 2
Mont de le Wallonia's and Castea's power abruptly went out across the county at 07.30pm last night. They discovered the cause an hour ago: some how a youth had entered the facility after getting through the broken perimeter fence, tried to steel some copper wire near a transformer and electrocuted her self to death. They drug/drink tested her corpse and she had no traces of cocaine drugs or drink in her blood stream. Her corpse has been removed, the power is back on and the fence is being repaired. The head of the national power generator, Vital Spark, has also advised every one not to trespass on their grounds and faculties.
San Pedro region[]
- Local event 1
A female worker was so annoyed by 5 years unaddressed sexist taunts and sexually lewd remark by male co-workers that she went to court and sued the firm for BI£ 10,000 in damages and quit her job over it.
The perverts were sacked, but only after Radio San Pedro ran an exposé on them a few weeks after the case had been settled by the courts.
- Local event 2
The quarry is to be turned in to a boating lack when it runs out of usable stone is extracted in about 10 years time. Many locals are frightened that it will be toxic to people and wildlife after a recent campaign by the local environmentalist group.
The company and quarrying experts say the vast majority oil, benzine and solvents will be be removed and what is left will not reach toxic levels, but no one actual believes them now.
- Local Event 3
Car and lorry fumes choke the urban valley and caused regular summer photochemical smogs over the last 20 years. Only the hill top communities escape the menace.
Some people want a by-pass road, some want a ULEZ and\or a LEZ and yet more people want more investment eclectic car charging points on the island.
- Local event 4
A Chechen guy drove his car in to Castro Park in the evening and shouted out in Chechen "Au Allah Akbar! Long live Ichkiria!" and the exploded his car bomb. Luckily the car was well built, no one was in the park and the bomb was pathetic, so only he died in the attack.
Police inquiries continue in to weather we was a loan wolf attacker or part of a wider terrorist network on the island.
- Local event 5
A worker was illegally smoking, did not show due care when discarding his cigarette and set a bale alight. Soo most of the 25 bales of paper were ablaze and all them were destroyed along with a tool-shed by the time the fire brigade came, 6 minuets later. It was only good luck witch stopped the hole place burning down. He's been sacked and is facing 5 years jail time.
- Local event 6
Vehicles fume choke San Pedro and caused regular summer photochemical smogs over the last 12 years. Only the hill top communities escape the menace.
Some people want a by-pass road, some want a ULEZ and\or a LEZ and yet more people want more investment eclectic car charging points on the island.
Eastern Region[]
- Local event 1
7.5 miles to the east of the capital and 22 miles east of Bristowe City Center, is the satellite village of Frith. It has a population of 150. There is reports that the locals oppose the new 20 commuter owned houses built with in eye sight of the village. They fear the extra traffic and loss of local character, but planning experts say it's in a good location for road travel via the nearby A-road and the builders say there is room for 12 more houses later on.
- Local event 2
The 37 year old Riverend Court Building in the eastern city of Fordham has had some of exterior cladding fell off in a storm during last year and more appears to becoming loose this year. Fordham City Council say it's non-hazardous and only of aesthetic value, but locals say that their rooms feel colder and some cladding might fall on to passing people.
The 6 year old phone mast on top has been blamed for 2 cancers in the building last year. The old one was connected with no cancers, since non hit the building in that time or before. The town has an average of 12 cases a year for the last 10 years, including this year.
- Local event 3
The River Blackwater in the eastern city of Fordham is silting up badly with mud from upstream and is regularly used as a makeshift dump by both of the local TV factories. The river was canalised 56 years ago. A closed garage still leaks some residual petrol in to the water 5 years after closure and botched demolition. The river has also not been dredged out for 30 years and stinks badly in the summer. The local duck population has imploded from 25 to 9 in the last 2 years. Trout used to swim in the river, but they left 20 years ago after a chemical spill from the local paint works.
Trace amounts of cocaine, ketamine, prescription drugs and banned pesticides have been found in the River Blackwater's wildlife across Eastern Region. The research was carried out by King's College, London, UK.
Environmentalists want it cleaned out, the junk removed and have it made environmentally friendly. The local residents want it dredged out to avoid flooding during extremely wet weather, like that which hit the area 3 and 6 years ago. The flooding lasted for 3 weeks and the damage was fixed after 6 months. Local firms still want to use it as an informal dump. Everyone agrees the heavy summer stench of stagnant water, leaked petrol, excess natural sulfur compounds and excess natural methane gas needs to be dealt with quickly. Fordamshire County Council say they can not afford to clean it out for the foreseeable future.
- Local event 4
The River Blackwater in the satellite town of Brereton, 12 miles northeaste of Bristowe City Centre, is blocking up badly with crap since is regularly used as a makeshift dump by both the local furniture factory and several locals. The river was canalised 60 years ago. It has also not been cleaned out out for 20 years and stinks badly in the summer. Late night drunks regularly piss and puke in the river to. The local duck population has imploded from 22 to 8 in the last 2 years.
Trace amounts of cocaine, ketamine, prescription drugs and banned pesticides have been found in the River Blackwater's wildlife across Eastern Region. The research was carried out by King's College, London, UK.
Environmentalists want it cleaned out, the junk removed and have it made environmentally friendly. The local residents want it it cleaned out to avoid flooding during extremely wet and stormy weather, like that which hit the area 3 and 6 years ago. The flooding lasted for 3 weeks and the damage was fixed after 8 months. The local drunks still want to use it as a toilet and vomitorium.
Local some local people and the local furniture firm still want to use it as an informal dump. Everyone agrees the heavy summer stench of stagnant water, human urine, excess natural sulfur compounds and excess natural methane gas needs to be dealt with quickly. Fordamshire County Council and Brereton District Council both say they can not afford to clean it out for the foreseeable future and blame each other for the failure to look after the river in recent years.
- Local event 5
The interchange needs to to be dealt with since it's traffic jams have got worse over the last 5 years. Some people say it should be replaced by a better one, some people want more work form home jobs to be created while others want a ULEZ\LEZ brought in across Brereton.
Everyone agrees that he NOx levels are causing the last 4 years' rise in asthma cases and must be reduced fast. Air pollution from road traffic is high and asthma levels are heavy. In areas of high motor vehicle traffic, like Beresford Town and the Brereton Interchange, the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted into the atmosphere as air pollution can be significant and a major contributor to making acid rain, ground level ozone, particulates and the gray summer haze that comes down over the Bristowe City center at times. particulate matter (also called particle pollution) is mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and it is commonplace in the local air.
- Local event 6
A 100 year old building outside Fordham city airport was used as part of Fordham airbase between 1920 and 1945. It was abandon,d but demolished their the 5 others near it when was turned in to a civil airport in 1947. Now it is collapsing asbestos dust is getting in to the airport's air near one of the 4 airport storage depots.
- Local event 7
Fordham city airport was built in 1947 on a former airbase. It was recently discovered that asbestos from the old air force buildings was not despised of properly, with much of it becoming hard core for the airport runways. The airport maintenance workers are saying they will not lay the new wiring to the runway lights until the asbestos integrated concrete chips are professionally removed by an expert crew.
The airport authorities have agreed to remove the contaminated concordat and work will commence in 3 weeks time.
- Local event 8
Fordham aerodrome was built in 1947 on a former airbase's dispersal field. It was recently discovered that asbestos from the old air force buildings was not despised of properly, with much of it becoming hard core for the airport runways.
Several people shay said they will not fly in or out of the aerodrome until the asbestos integrated concrete chips are professionally removed by an expert crew.
The monthly car-boot-sale has just been called off because of the risk posed to it by the asbestos concrete chippings.
- Local event 9
The 2 year old Sandtoft Tiles factory in Fordham will have to be closed down for 6 months be party rebuilt after the substandard Hager 3 Phase Metal fuse Distribution Board Consumer- unit 24 way, 400v; shorted out and caught fire over night 3 weeks ago. It then burnt down part of the work units. Later investigations by health and safety teams found out that the wiring was illegally replaced with a low quality duplicate and now needs to be replaced before the factory can safely reopen.
Sandcroft is currently suing the builders for compensation.
- Local event 10
Fordham's northern sofa factory is in trouble over recent heavy marijuana use. Production has fallen a bit, there have been a few minor accidents and the Bristow Island Drugs Squad won't go away since every time thy turn up, they fined weed and on one occasion speed.
- Local event 11
Debbieville is 22 miles north east of Fordham. Norfolk English is used by may locals here. The Bell inn in Debbieville is in trouble due to lack of patronage and high rent. Social distancing and fear of Covid-19 infection have taken there toll to. The land lord who runs the pub recons that people are over reacting, but the locals say he's an uncaring miser of a land lord!
- Local event 12
Graintown, 1 mile north west of Debbieville, is facing a wave business closures due to the effects of the 3 month Covid-19 lockdown in the town, high business rents eating in to corporate profits and high local house rent eating in to peoples earnings. Social distancing and fear of Covid-19 infection have taken there toll on remaining businesses to. The 12 Covid-19 victims
The city centre station is having capacity issues due to social distancing and the city centre through-traffic has only dropped drop due to less trade under the lock down, but will be back to normal once the lockdown is over, restoring the 5 year hell of city centre traffic jams at peak hours. It has been suggested that a ring-road should be built around the town.
- Local event 13
The ship canal through the village of Longmarston, 16 miles north east of Debbieville, regally floods and has not been dredged out for the last 25 year. The regional assembly says it dose not have the money and the Ministry of the Environment thought they were cleaning it out which is the ministry has not cleaned it out either. Longmarston has been badly flooded during the last 6 rainy seasons and many people so fed up with it they are seriously thinking of moving 2 miles east to to the village of Wilowholme to get away from the routine flooding problem.
Central Region[]
- Local event 1
The central town of Ramsdale is a major transport hub that connects Berresford to all places north of it except for Baile an Abhainn, Sheamustown and Baile an Talaimh. It has witnessed growing car theft, the closure of both the local automotive firms and the closure of a local primary school. The town's economy is in sharp decline and poverty has risen over the last 5 year. Most of the population is bilingual in Standard British English and Tyke.
The city's steel mill closed 10 years ago with the loss off 1,225 jobs. The other factories also makes some post-formed worktops, wall panels, particleboard, stone carving, masonry, medium density fibreboard, laminate flooring, resins and lubricating oil.
Ramsdale Borough Council says the fall in local business taxes coming in and rise in people who are claiming rent exemption has hit their finances badly. The council's fiscal shortfall has lead to the closure several of council run youth clubs last year. They want some sort of subsidy from central government to avoid either a painful high rise in local taxation the closure of the local council run old folks home.
The lack of jobs and youth facilities has been indirectly linked by many, including Ramsdale County police, Tref y Dyffryn County Police and the Ramsdale gazette to the recent upswing in bored teenagers getting drunk and causing trouble in the city centre. Some social commentators and priests say that it is lack of parental discipline that has caused the youth to go astray and say that Ramsdale' inner city joyriding has been endemic for the last 12 years.
- Local event 2
The commuter village of Roachlake, 2 miles north of Ramsdale, is having a mini-crime wave. Ramsdale County police and the Ramsdale Gazette are concerned that mostly young youths are doing a lot of shoplifting and car theft. The Ramsdale Gazette has raised concerned that many are from broken homes, jobless, bored shitless and\or often high on synthetic cannabinoid like K2/Spice. Some social commentators and priests say that it is lack of parental discipline that has caused the youth to go astray and say that inner city joyriding in residential street in Roachlake has been endemic for the last 12 years.
- Local event 3
Barlow Town is now starting to largely choke-up with traffic during the week end peak hours and bus services have been slightly reduced to save costs on less profitable routs. A near by local brick factory and stone quarry have expanded last year leading to more trucks and cars going their. The locals want traffic numbers cut soon. The rail lobby want the station reopened, but that would be costly since it's been demolished. The roads lobby want a bypass, but several local farmers don't want it running through there farm land. Some locals would like to see more buses in their town and the town centre pedestrianised.
- Local event 4
A person from Penderrek has been mailing death threats to the imam of Barlow town's mosque for the last month from various post boxes across Penderrek region. Police are worried the death treats are both serious and Islamophobic in nature. Barlow Town police are still investigating the hate mail and 2 police offices will be present when the mosque is open to help prevent any attacks on the mosque or the people in it.
- Local event 5
Hackers have hit Ramsdale Power Station for the 4th time this year. Only minor damage was caused to a unprotected hard drive. It is unclear what the scale of yesterday's attack was, but an investigation has been launched in to it, the PM said. Government security experts are trying to find all the programming and security weaknesses in the port authority's computers. They have also advised every one on the island to change there logon passwords.
The 4 attacks were from were Chinese.
- Local event 6
The power abruptly went out across the county at 07.30pm last night. They discovered the cause an hour ago: some how a youth had entered the facility after getting through the broken perimeter fence, got on a transformer and electrocuted him self to death. They drug/drink tested his corpse and he had traces of cocaine in his blood. His corpse has been removed, the power is back on and the fence is being repaired. The head of the national power generator, Vital Spark, has also advised every one not to trespass on their grounds and faculties.
Tor Kernow Region[]
- Local event 1
Trescothick's is a small rural port town and the place is trilingual in Standard British English, Corish dialect English and Cornish.
A small pipe bomb was found in Trescothick's cathedral church of St Augustine by a cleaner. No one has confessed and no one is suspected by Kernow County Police. Who planted it, when it was planted, how the bomber got in and why it was made is still unknown!
- Local event 2
This years Trescothick Harbour Festival will be canceled due to a rapid increase in the population of phytoplankton or microalgae leading to an algal bloom or algae bloom. Also, some algae secrete poisons into the water. The production of natural toxins such as brevetoxins and ichthyotoxins are harmful to marine life. It has been deemed by port authorities to be toxic due to a fish die-off due to the alge's neurotoxins and the mass being so thick that is blocking out the sunlight from other organisms, and deplete oxygen levels in the water.
Trescothick's coastline has had trouble with it for several years now , but it has now boomed due to the mixture unusually hot weather, higher than average farm fertilizer runoff entering rivers that drain into the and the sinking of a bulk carry a few miles out to sea during a storm early last year (luckily no one died or got injured on the ship). It carried cars, TVs, writing paper, anhydrous ammonia (NH3) fertilizer, planks, ping-pong balls and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) fertilizer.
- Local event 3
- Trescothick's High Street is marred on Saturday nights, during the summer holiday season, by out of town drunks, louts and pick pockets. Many locals would like more police patrols in the town at these times, especially at night in the High Street, to help deter the growing problem caused by anti-social behaviour.
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