1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki

Stalin did nothing wrong. Every capitalist roader fucker he purged deserved what they got. Down with America,up with Russia.

Bill Bailey belonged to every radical party that ever came to be,  Till he finally decided to start his own party so he wouldn't disagree.  He got himself an office with a sign outside the door, with "Marxist League" in letters red,  And to everyone who came around these were the words he said:

"Oh, you may be a friend of Max Shachtman(2), Jim Cannon(3) and you may agree,  You may get along with Norman Thomas(4) and with Algernon Lee(5)  You may be an old-time Wobbly(6), and think Jay Lovestone's(7) fine,  Yes, you may be a comrade to all of these folks, but you ain't no Comrade of mine."  

For 17 years Bill Bailey kept his office with the sign outside the door,  But he never, ever got a new member. Everybody made him sore.  And then one night, there came a big fire and through the flame and smoke,  As the firemen rushed in to save Bill's life, these were the words he spoke: 

"Oh, you may be a friend of Ben Gitlow(8); Reverend Muste(9) and you may agree,  You may get along with Emma Goldman(10) and with the S.L.P.(11).  You may have belonged to every radical party that ever had a line,  Yes, you may be a comrade to all of those folks, but you ain't no comrade of mine."  

And so on this day, Bill Bailey passed away, and his soul to Red Heaven flew.  He was met at the gate by old Karl Marx(12) and Friedrich Engels(13), too.  They said, "Welcome, comrade," as they opened the gate to let Bill come inside,  As he slammed the door back in old Karl's face, these were the words he cried: 

"Oh, you may be a friend of Karl Kautsky(14), and a pal of Ferd LaSalle(15),  You may get along with William Liebknecht(16) and the First Internationale(17),  Yes, you may have inspired every radical party from the Hudson to the Rhine,  Oh, you may be a comrade of all of those folks, but you ain't no comrade of mine."

Again, May the west die.
