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All items (230)
- File:A large blank world map with oceans marked in blue planisferio en blanco.svg
- File:A meteoric world map game-1912.png
- File:A UK interim DNA grouping map (2010s).png
- File:A world of atomic ashes map game map.png
- File:After the Cuba Crisis 1968.png
- File:Alpenrelief 01.jpg
- File:An Alternate 911 map.png
- File:Analfabetismo2013unesco.png
- File:Asie.png
- File:Asie.svg
- File:Athabasca Oil Sands map.png
- File:Atomic accident map.png
- File:Aussie diaspora.png
- File:Average gasoline prices by country.png
- File:Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Princes Risboro, Quainton Road & Verney Ashendon RJD 146.jpg
- File:Balkan topo en.jpg
- File:Baltic Oil Shale Basin.png
- File:Bevoelkerungsgruppen-Jugoslawien.png
- File:Blackfriars snow hill RJD 1.jpg
- File:Blank map of Europe-x2.png
- File:Blank map of Europe.png
- File:Blank Map World Secondary Political Divisions.png
- File:Blank Map World Secondary Political Divisions.svg
- File:Blank Map World Secondary Political Divisions.svg.png
- File:Blank Map-Africa.svg.png
- File:BlankMap-Europe-v5.png
- File:BlankMap-World-1990.png
- File:BlankMap-World-2000.png
- File:BlankMap-World-large-limited-recognition.png
- File:BlankMap-World-large.png
- File:BlankMap-World-Subdivisions.PNG
- File:Bremen+Bremenhaven, Lubek, Baden, Rostock and Hambourg..png
- File:Bricklayers Arms & New Cross, Midhurst RJD 91.jpg
- File:British Isles in counties..png
- File:Central Regional Council.svg.png
- File:Cheadle, CHorlton, Heaton Mersey & Northenden RJD 149.jpg
- File:CIM-10 operators.png
- File:City Widened Lines (1).svg
- File:City Widened Lines (simple).svg
- File:Claimed 2014 IQ results maped.png
- File:Claimed 2014-2020 IQ results mapped.png
- File:Claimed 2020 IQ results maped.png
- File:Coffee consumption map-en.png
- File:Cold War 1980 A.png
- File:Cold War Map 1959.svg
- File:Cold War sides 1980.png
- File:Cold War WorldMap 1953.png
- File:Cold War-1970.png
- File:Commonwealth of Independent States Collective Security Treaty Organisation..png
- File:Commonwealth of Independent States Collective Security Treaty Organisation.svg
- File:Countries with space launcher programs.png
- File:Countriesbyfertilityrate.svg
- File:Cybercase Galactica USA 2095..png
- File:Danish route .1.png
- File:Danube route .1.png
- File:Denmark regions.png
- File:Diplomatic missions of Israel.png
- File:Diplomatic missions of Kuwait.png
- File:Diplomatic missions of Malawi.png
- File:Diplomatic missions of Sweden.png
- File:Diplomatic missions of Tanzania.png
- File:Diplomatic missions of the Republic of Korea.png
- File:Disaster map'.png
- File:Divided Yemen.svg
- File:East attacks .5.png
- File:East attacks .6.png
- File:ECOWAS.png
- File:Enfants au travail dans le monde.png
- File:Eng County.svg
- File:Eng County.svg.png
- File:England Administrative 1931.jpg
- File:Esperanza de vida.PNG
- File:Europe belief in god.png
- File:Europe belief in god.svg
- File:Europe blank laea location map.png
- File:Europe blank laea location map.svg.png
- File:Europe polar stereographic Caucasus Urals boundary.png
- File:Europe polar stereographic Caucasus Urals boundary.svg
- File:European Broadcasting Union members.png
- File:European Broadcasting Union members.svg
- File:Failed state index 2013.png
- File:Failed state index 2013.svg
- File:Finland location map.svg
- File:Formas de governo.PNG
- File:Former Yugoslavia durning war.png
- File:France location map-Regions and departements-2015.png
- File:France location map-Regions and departements-2015.svg
- File:Franconia and Wuttembourg.png
- File:Fulda route .1.png
- File:Land mine casualties and fatalities.png
- File:Landkreise, Kreise und kreisfreie Städte in Deutschland 2011-09-04.svg.png
- File:Left-Bank Ukraine.png
- File:Life expectacy 2016.png
- File:Life expectancy 1960 a.png
- File:Life expectancy 1965.PNG
- Life expectancy from 1946 to date
- File:Life exspectancy projection for 2025 (Kribs and life
- File:Location European nation states.svg.png
- File:LocationWestPapua.svg
- File:London thames 1983DD.png
- File:M48 operators.png
- File:Maine Locator Map.PNG
- File:Map Norway political-geo.png
- File:Map of Akrotiri-en.svg
- File:Map of Turkish Language.png
- File:Map12 b.png
- File:Median age.png
- File:MelvilleIslandCloseupMap.png
- File:MH -map A.png
- File:Middle East geographic.jpg
- File:Military expenditure by country map.PNG
- File:Morgenthau Plan (Large Danube federation).png
- File:New world orders..png
- File:Nieuw-Nederland ahoy 1912.png
- File:Nieuw-Nederland ahoy.png
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 1965.png
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 1975.png
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 2000.png
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 2015.png
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 2030.png
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 2035.png
- File:Nor-map.png
- File:Nuclear weapon programs worldwide 2 (1).png
- File:Nuclear weapons.png
- File:Nuclearsecrecy nukemap screen grab.png
- File:Paludisme.png
- File:Percent Poverty World Map.png
- File:Percentage population living on less than $2 per day 2009.png
- File:Percentage population under povertty line.png
- File:Peru-Bolivia world.png
- File:Pollko Island (gov'sim').png
- File:Portsmouth RI lg.PNG
- File:Prisoner population rate world map.svg
- File:Putin's puppets..png
- File:S-300 operators.png
- File:S-75 operators.png
- File:Saarland.png
- File:Saddam and the Saudi oil wells.png
- File:Sendero Luminoso Peru.png
- File:Sharedplanet.png
- File:Sino-Soviet split 1980.png
- File:SouthAfrica1885.jpg
- File:Spam E-mails.png
- File:Spywear map.png
- File:Stepney Area, part of Cross's New Plan Of London, 1853.jpg
- File:SWE-Map Län.svg
- File:Sweden route ,1.png
- File:Swiss attacked .1.png
- File:Switzerland relief location map.jpg
- File:TA1978 Cold War sides.png
- File:Thailand location map.png
- File:The % difference between the 1981 and 2022 populations after a 1983 nuking of the UK.png
- The 3rd World
- File:The Alternate 1955 map game.png
- File:The Alternate 1980 Map Game map.png
- File:The America map.png
- File:The combatant nations (1).png
- The GDP factor!