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All items (368)
- File:A large blank world map with oceans marked in blue planisferio en blanco.svg
- A nuclear\atomic holocaust or nuclear apocalypse
- Africa
- Airports
- All known 01\12\2017 to 31\01\2018 building and non-crashed car fires. It's Just a new year's thought (off topic).
- File:Atomic accident map.png
- Atomic accidents and disasters
- Atomic arsenals
- Atomic videos
- Ballistic missile submarines
- File:Blank Map World Secondary Political Divisions.png
- File:Blank Map World Secondary Political Divisions.svg
- File:Blank Map World Secondary Political Divisions.svg.png
- File:BlankMap-World-1990.png
- File:BlankMap-World-Subdivisions.PNG
- File:BlankMap-World6.svg.png
- File:Claimed 2014 IQ results maped.png
- File:Claimed 2020 IQ results maped.png
- Cold War
- Cold War radio propaganda
- Cold War secret police organisations
- File:Cold War WorldMap 1953.png
- File:CottonYield.png
- File:Countries with space launcher programs.png
- File:Countriesbyfertilityrate.svg
- File:Nalgene bottles.jpg
- Nations in 1988
- File:NFPA-704-diamond-standard.svg.png
- Nickel and it's role in the 20th Century
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 2015.png
- File:Nominal GDP per head for 2035.png
- Noteworthy air bases
- Nuclear fallout
- File:Percent Poverty World Map.png
- File:Percentage population living on less than $2 per day 2009.png
- File:Percentage population under povertty line.png
- Pollution
- File:Prisoner population rate world map.svg
- File:Putin's puppets..png
- Science
- Sewer\sewerage outflow\outfall\discharge pipes
- Some interesting historical facts, theories and cultural anecdotes!
- Space elevators
- Space satellites
- File:Spam E-mails.png
- Synoptic charts of major atomic reactor and waste disasters up to 2017
- Synoptic charts of major miscellaneous atomic disasters up to 2017
- Television
- Terrorist organisations and actions
- The "False Cold War" or "Cold War was a fake" conspiracy theory
- The 1988-2017 Global cyber-warfare incident records index
- The 3rd World
- The Atomic Demise- a realistic 1981 atomic war simulation attempt
- File:The combatant nations (1).png
- The Five Eyes
- The GDP factor!
- The internationally recognised rules of war
- The just and successful war theory
- File:The Last Round 1932.png
- The need for supply and support ships in a navy
- The probable 1981 nuking pattern for Algeria
- The probable 1981 nuking pattern for Argentina
- The probable 1981 nuking pattern for Benin