1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki
1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki


The FAMAS F1 (also known as FA-MAS) is a French bullpup-styled assault rifle.It was adopted by the French military as their standard assault rifle in 1978 until production for the F1 and later G1 ended in 2000.

The FAMAS F1 can fit both the APAV 40 and AC 58 rifle grenades.


Original model from 1978.
Updated, transitional model from 1991 with many improvements, it fits 5.56x45mm STANAG and FAMAS F1 magazines.
Updated model from 1994 that only fits 5.56x45mm STANAG magazines.
MAS Products
Firearms File:MAS.png
Assault Rifle FA-MASMAS 49MAS 54MAS 55MAS 62
Battle Rifles MAS 49
Bolt-Action Rifles Fusil modèle 1866MAS 36
Pistols PAMAS G1
Submachine Guns MAS 38MAS 48
Flag of France from 1976 to 2020 France
1946 - Present
Infantry Weapons
Melee Weapons Bayonet [[]]
Survival Weapon [[]]
Sidearms Pistol PAMAS G1
Revolver Manurhin F1
Machine Pistol [[]]
Close Quarters Personal Defense Weapon [[]]
Submachine Gun Gévarm D3Gévarm D4MAT 49
Shotgun (automatic) [[]]
Shotgun (semi-automatic) [[]]
Shotgun (manual-action) [[]]
Primary Weapons Assault Rifle (5.45/5.56) FAMAS (F1G1G2)
Assault Rifle (7.62) CEAM Modèle ICEAM Modèle IICEAM Modèle 1949CEAM Modèle 1950
Assault Rifle (other) [[]]
Carbine (5.45/5.56) [[]]
Carbine (7.62) [[]]
Carbine (other) [[]]
Automatic Support Weapons Light Support Weapon [[]]
Light Machine Gun [[]]
General Purpose Machine Gun [[]]
Heavy Machine Gun [[]]
Long Range Anti-Materiel Rifle [[]]
Bolt-Action Rifle [[]]
Designated Marksman Rifle [[]]
Launchers Grenade Launcher (Attachment) [[]]
Grenade Launcher (Standalone) [[]]
Disposable Rocket Launcher [[]]
Rocket Launcher [[]]
Non-Lethal Weapons Pistol [[]]
Underwater Weapons Sidearm [[]]
Rifle [[]]
Explosives Anti-Personnel Mines [[]]
Anti-Tank Mines [[]]
Offensive Grenades [[]]
Smoke Grenades [[]]
Land Vehicle Weapons
Vehicle Machine Guns AAN-F1AAT-52MAC 31MAC 58
Standard Tank Guns 75mm SA3275mm SA4475mm SA4675mm SA4975mm SA5076mm Gun, M1A190mm CN90 F3 (M)90mm D.91590mm SA3090mm SA45100mm SA47105mm CN105 F1105mm D.1504120mm CN120 F1120mm CN120 G1120mm SA46155mm SA58
Vehicle Autocannon 15mm MG 151/1520mm M69325mm M81130mm HSS 831A40mm CT4040mm Mle51 T1
Aircraft Weapons & Munitions
Aircraft Machine Guns [[]]
Aircraft Cannons below & including 30mm [[]]
Aircraft Cannons above 30mm [[]]
Aircraft Rockets & Missiles [[]]
Aircraft Bombs, High Explosive [[]]
Aircraft Bombs, Anti-Personnel [[]]
Aircraft Bombs, Armour-Piercing [[]]