1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki
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This page is meant as a rough guide to what today's governments, press freedom, corruption index, GDP, internet, poverty, human rights, literacy, health care, economic types, environment, armed forces, etc, are. This article is intended to help those understanding information about global and local issues such as atomic arms stockpiles, economic growth in China, starvation in Africa, the internet being blocked in Russia and trade blocs.

Types of government[]

Forms of government World Map

Internationally defined types of government. Note: Currently there are no militarily dictatorships, but Thailand is a de facto one.

Internationally defined types of government. Note: Currently there are no militarily dictatorships, but Thailand is a de facto one.

Formas de governo

Monarchy in red and republics in blue.

Monarchies are in red and republics in blue. Malaysia's king is an elected elder statesman.

Authoritarian regimes[]

Form of government with Freedom House 2

Authoritarian regimes.

Authoritarian regimes. The UK media regard Uzbekistan as at the bad end of the authoritarian scale and Kazakhstan at the good end of the scale. Examples of such regimes- [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6] and [7].

Electoral democracies

Fully elected democracies.

Fully elected democracies. According to the UK, French and USA media that systems in Kazakhstan and S. Africa's is not really democratic since the polling has an inherent bias to the ANC and Nur Otan (most TV campaigning time is given to them and so on). According to the UK, Irish, Polish, French and USA media Russia was never really a democracy since it regularly jails political opponents and beats up anti-government voters. According to the UK, French and Italian press ballot stuffing, tampered with voting machines and beating up anti-government voters became the trend in parts of the UK, USA, Kazakhstan and Spain since circa 2005.

There are frequent reports in European, Australian, NZ and North American papers of ballot stuffing, stolen ballot boxes, violence towards opposition voters and tampered voting machines in Ukraine, Brazil, Mexico, India, Pakistan, Kenya Romania, Albania, Belorussian, Thailand, PNG and Indonesia. Democracy is dead in the USA according to UK and EU media as both the Democrats and the Republicans hog the limelight, bribe electoral officials, beat up Green party and Libertine members, role in cash and rig the ballot.

Ballot fraud.[]


Press freedom[]

Press Freedom Index 2010 Map

Press freedom levels.

Official press freedom levels. Syria's press was always loyal to the Assad regime, but the civil war has led to even stricter rules. It dose cover the state, firms and individuals wanting to cover up scandals like pedophilia rings, but it dose not include the illegal shootings of libelous cartoonists who mock Mohamed or the British government's attempts to wind down and eventually sell off the BBC .

Corruption index[]

World Map Index of perception of corruption

Economic and state corruption.

Economic and state corruption. Examples- [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14] and [15].

Trade blocks[]

Blocos Economicos 2010

International trade blocks.

International trade blocks.

Economic type[]

Communism and ex communist econamys

Economic type.

Laissez-faire capitalists (blue), former Laissez-faire capitalists (light blue), Marxist-Leninist Communist states who went Laissez-faire capitalists (purple), Marxist-Leninist Communist states (red) and former Communist states (orange) of the world.


World map of countries by rate of unemployment

The % who are jobless.

The percentage who are jobless. By what I have witnessed and have gathered from friends and online friends it is nothing like the British, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Bosnian and American governments say. Russia, Bosnia and America are noticeably worse in places, the UK has only a few places outside the Conservative Part's heartlands not in utter destitution, while Spain and Greece are in total societal collapse. The British TV documentary Panorama claimed the streets of Stockport, Middlesborough and Bristol are choked with jobless, penniless, sometimes homeless and often starving wretches, who live only on charitable food donations and pay day loans.

Economic freedom[]


Societal order[]

Official government left vs right policy[]


Global faiths[]

Belief in Europe []

Europe belief in god

This map shows the result of a Euro-barometer poll conducted in 2005. The colors indicated the percentage of people in each country who answered "I believe there is a God" in the interview. The countries marked in grey were not included in the poll. See also Image:Europe-atheism-2005.png for percentage of people who answered "I don't believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force" in the same poll.

Religious belief in the EU.

Russians, Ukrainians, Portuguese, Poles, Australians, Turks and Greeks[]

Use of the Russian language[]


2009 Russian language map. Dark blue= Russian language has official status. Mid blue= Russian language has official status, but lower than the state. Light blue= Russian language has no official status, but is known with much of the population. Author: Wiki Commons User:NuclearVacuum.


  • 2009 Russian language map.
  1. Dark blue= Russian language has official status.
  2. Mid blue= Russian language has official status, but lower than the state.
  3. Light blue= Russian language has no official status, but is known with much of the population.
Due to the high status of the Soviet Union as a super power, Russian gained a great political importance in the second half of the 20th century. It is one of the official languages of the United Nations. All astronauts working in the International Space Station are required to master Russian. Author: Wiki Commons User:NuclearVacuum.

Use of the Ukrainian language[]

Ukrainian in the world

Ukrainian spoken in the World. Red: several millions; Pink:several thousands. Attribution: I, Felipe Menegaz.


Ukrainian spoken in the World. Cerise: Ukraine. Red: several millions; Pink:several thousands.

Map12 b

A linguistic map of Ukraine. The light Purple bars in each province indicate the percentage of Ukrainian speakers in 1989 and the dark purple bars indicate the percentage of Ukrainian users in 2001. The Blue Bars represent the percentage of Russian speakers by province for the same years.


A linguistic map of Ukraine. The light Purple bars in each province indicate the percentage of Ukrainian speakers in 1989 and the dark purple bars indicate the percentage of Ukrainian users in 2001. The Blue Bars represent the percentage of Russian speakers by province for the same years

Number of Greek nationals in each country[]

50 largest Greek diaspora

A map of the top 50 countries with the largest Greek communities.


The Greek diaspora.

Use of the Greek language[]

Idioma Griego

Dark blue- Where is de jure e de facto official. (Republic of Cyprus and Greece). Light blue- Where is unofficially spoken.


  • Dark blue- Where Greek is de jure or de facto official. (Republic of Cyprus and Greece).
  • Light blue- Where Greek is unofficially spoken.

Number of Australian nationals in each country[]

Aussie diaspora

Aussie (Australian) people. Red-Australia, Dark pink- over 99,999 and Light pink- under 100,000. Source- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australians


Number of Polish nationals in each country[]


Use of the Polish language[]

Use of the Portuguese language[]

Map of the portuguese language in the world

A map of the Portuguese language in the world. Dark green: native language. Green: official and administrative language. Light green: cultural or secondary language. Yellow: Portuguese-based creole. Green square: Portuguese speaking minorities.


  • Map of the Portuguese language in the world
  • Dark green: native language.
  • Green: official and administrative language.
  • Light green: cultural or secondary language.
  • Yellow: Portuguese-based creole.
  • Green square: Portuguese speaking minorities.

Use of the Turkish language[]

Map of Turkish Language

Status of Turkish Language. Dark blue- Official language in Turkey, Republic of Cyprus and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Light blue- Recognised minority language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Iraq, Greece and Republic of Kosovo.


  • Status of Turkish Language.
  • Dark blue- Official language in Turkey, Republic of Cyprus and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
  • Light blue- Recognised minority language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Iraq, Greece and Republic of Kosovo.

Human development index rating[]

UN Human Development Report 2013

HDI ratings.

Human development index rating.

Online activity[]

Down load speeds[]


Fiber-optic broad band internet[]


Broad band internet[]


A world map colored to show the level of Mobile Broadband Internet penetration in 2012 (number of subscriptions as a percentage of a country's population).

A world map colored to show the level of Mobile Broadband Internet penetration in 2012 (number of MBI subscriptions as a percentage of a country's population).

Online censorship and blocking[]

YouTube world map

YouTube bans.

YouTube bans.

Internet Censorship World Map

Online censorship and internet bans.

Online censorship and internet bans.

419 scams[]

419 scams map

419 scams are a type of fraud and one of the most common types of confidence trick.

419 scams are a type of fraud and one of the most common types of confidence trick. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, which the fraudster requires a small up-front payment to obtain. If a victim makes the payment, the fraudster either invents a series of further fees for the victim, or simply disappears. The number "419" refers to the article of the Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud.

Spam mail[]

Spam E-mails

Spam e-mails are the on line variant of junk mail/faxes and telephone cold calls.

Spam e-mails are the on line variant of junk mail/faxes and telephone cold calls.


OTL Malwear map


Malwere is a commuter various that disrupts, disables and/or destroys your computer's programming.


Spywear map

Computer spyware. Approximates derived from various UK and Indian media sources for 2008-2009.

Spywere is a commuter various that allows others to snoop on your computer's activity with out your consent. Examples are- [16], [17] and [18].


Oragin of computer hacking.

Hacker attacks.

Hackers are those people who enter your computer illegally, via a clandestine computer online tool kit, to steal your online information like log-in passwords or wreck its programming. Example- [19].

Kernel stripping programming devices[]

Kernel stripping programming devices

Kernel stripping devices.

In computing, the kernel is a computer program that manages input/output requests from software, and translates them into data processing instructions for the central processing unit and other electronic components of a computer. The kernel is a fundamental part of a modern computer's operating system. For computer programmers, the kernel's interface is a low-level abstraction layer. Kernel stripping devices are a form of malware that deletes the Kernel.

Because of its critical nature, the kernel code is usually loaded into a protected area of memory, which prevents it from being overwritten by other, less frequently used parts of the operating system or by application programs. The kernel performs its tasks, such as executing processes and handling interrupts, in kernel space, whereas everything a user normally does, such as writing text in a text editor or running programs in a GUI (graphical user interface), is done in user space. This separation is made in order to prevent user data and kernel data from interfering with each other and thereby diminishing performance or causing the system to become unstable (and possibly crashing). [[20]]

The map is derived from recent UK, Aussie and Indian media sites.

Petrol/Gasoline prices.[]

Average gasoline prices by country

Average gasoline prices by country.

Average gasoline prices by country. A world map of gasoline prices by country using data from w:Gasoline_usage_and_pricing on 2008-05-21. Brighter is more expensive.

Food and drink[]


Coffee consumption map-en

Coffee consumption.

Coffee consumption.

Clean drinking water[]

Calories consumed per day[]

World map of Energy consumption 2001-2003.

World map of Calorie consumption 2001-2003.

World map of Calorie consumption 2001-2003.


Global malnutrition

The % who are starving according to the UN's definition of 'starving'. Author: KVDP.

The % who are starving according to the UN's definition of 'starving'. By what I have witnessed and have gathered from friends and online friends it is nothing like the British, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Bosnian and American governments say. Russia, Bosnia and America are noticeably worse in places, the UK has only a few places outside the Conservative Party's hart-lands not in utter destitution, while Spain and Greece are in total societal collapse. The British TV documentary Panorama claimed the streets of Stockport, Middlesbrough and Bristol are choked with jobless, penniless, sometimes homeless and often starving wretches, who live only on charitable food donations and pay day loans in 2014.

GDP and state debt[]

Nominal GDP as a total number of US$[]

GDP per capita (nominal) 2015

The nominal GDP per capita for 2015.


The nominal GDP per capita for 2015 [21]. Author: Rossenne.

Nominal GDP in US$levels[]

GDP growth rate[]


National debt per capita[]


Literacy rates[]


Adult literacy rates.

Adult literacy rates.

World polito-economic categorisation[]

Cold War alliances mid-1975

The "three worlds" of the Cold War era, as of the period between April 1975 and August 1975. Neutral and non-aligned countries shown in green.


Fragile State Index 2015

World Map, showing Fragile States according to the "Fragile States Index 2015", with blue as the best and red as the worst.


Failed state index 2013

World Map, showing Failed States according to the "Failed States Index 2013".


IMF Developing Countries Map 2014

Dark Green - developing states according to the IMF; Light Green - developing out of the scope of the IMF; red - graduated to developed to Western developed state status. Blue - newly industrialized countries (2014).


Health care[]

Hospital beds per 1,000 people[]

Hospital beads per 1000 people

Hospital beds per 1,000 people.

Hospital beds per 1,000 people. UK figures are nothing like the official ones, it's horrific. 25% of nurses are foreign imports and many GPs are locums. The government has closed down several hospitals, shut many more wards and slashed staffing numbers. The only two things they care about are money and eventually selling it off. [22], [23], [24], [25] and [26].

Doctors per capita[]


Infant mortality[]

2012 Infant mortality rate per 1000 live births, under-5, world map

Infant mortality.

The number of under 5 year olds that died per annum (each year) per 1,000 births. Mortality Estimation (UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN DESA Population Division).

Malara cases[]


Malaria zones in 2006.

  1. Distribution of malaria in the world during 2006.
  2. Dark red= Elevated occurrence of chloroquine- or multi-resistant malaria.
  3. Bright red= Occurrence of chloroquine-resistant malaria.
  4. Pink= No Plasmodium falciparum or chloroquine-resistance.
  5. Grey= No malaria.

Life expectancy at birth[]

The maps[]

Esperanza de vida

Life expectancy at birth in 2012. Author: lex12345yuri.


Life expectancy at birth in 2012. War, civil war, AIDS, poverty and violent crime ruins figures for places like Afghanistan, Colombia, S. Africa and Somalia. Counter to what the politicians, officials and experts say; the USA, Russia, UK, Greece, Spain and Ukraine also suffer badly with obesity, cancer, AIDS, poverty and violent crime, which ruins unofficial figures. To find the approximate truth after 2010, cut about 5 to 10 years off the official figures on the map for the USA, Russia, UK, Greece, Spain, Ukraine and sub-Saharan Africa.

Population growth[]

Median age[]

Median age

Median age by country.

Median age by country. A youth bulge is evident for Black Africa, and to a lesser extent for Arab Africa, The Middle East, South and Southeast Asia and Central America.

Birth rate[]


A world map showing countries by fertility rate.

A world map showing countries by fertility rate, according to the CIA World Factbook's 2015 data.


Percent Poverty World Map

A CIA World Factbook-based map showing the percentage of population by country living below that country's official poverty line.

A CIA World Factbook-based map showing the percentage of population by country living below that country's official poverty line. By what I have witnessed and have gathered from friends and online friends it is nothing like the British, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Bosnian and American governments say. Russia, Bosnia and America are noticeably worse in places, the UK has only a few places outside the Conservative Part's hart-lands not in utter destitution, while Spain and Greece are in total societal collapse. The British TV documentary Panorama claimed the streets of Stockport, Middlesbough and Bristol are choked with jobless, penniless, sometimes homeless and often starving wretches, who live only on charitable food donations and pay day loans.

Percentage population living on less than $2 per day 2009

The % of people living on $2 (PPP) a day according to the UN.

The % of people living on $2 (PPP) a day according to the UN.

Percentage population under povertty line

Percentage_population_under_povertty_line.png Map of world poverty by country, showing percentage of population living below the national poverty line. Based on data from the CIA World Factbook.

Percentage_population_under_povertty_line.png Map of world poverty by country, showing percentage of population living below the national poverty line. Based on data from the CIA World Factbook. Not all figures are fully up to date.


Atomic weapons[]

Nuclear weapon programs worldwide 2 (1)

Atomic weapons programs.

Atomic weapons programs. Image of worldwide nuclear weapons programs, as of September 2005, updated for 2012.Historical states have been represented by their successor states (i.e. Yugoslavia by Serbia, as they apparently inherited the nuclear materials of the socialist state after it fragmented).

Nuclear weapons

Distribution of nukes.

Distribution of nukes. Syria is now incapable due to the civil war and the minor nuclear program is in ruins.

Government expenditure in U.S. $[]

Military expenditure by country map

Government expenditure in U.S. $.

Military expenditures by country in US dollars based on CIA factbook figures accessed 31 March 2006. Grey indicates no data such as for Russia, San Marino, Iceland and Barbados or no armed forces such as for Liechtenstein and Nauru.

Troop numbers[]

Main battle tanks[]

M48 operators

A map of M48 Patton operators in blue with former operators in red.

A map of M48 Patton operators in blue with former operators in red.

Light tanks[]

M41 operators

Map of M41 operators in blue with former operators in red.

Map of M41 operators in blue with former operators in red.

SAM missiles[]

S-75 operators

Map of S-75 Dvina operators in blue with former operators in red.

Map of S-75 Dvina operators in blue with former operators in red.

Kh-59 operators

Map with Kh-59 operators in blue and former operators in red.

Map with Kh-59 operators in blue and former operators in red.

S-300 operators

Map with S-300 operators in blue and former operators in red.

Map with S-300 operators in blue and former operators in red.

CIM-10 operators

Map with CIM-10 operators in blue.

Map with former CIM-10 operators in blue.

Fighter jets[]

Mig-17 operators

Mig-17 fighter jet operators.

Mig-17 fighter jet operators.

Bomber aircraft[]

Cargo aircraft[]


Mill Mi-26 operators.

Mill Mi-26 helicopter operators.

Mill Mi-26 helicopter operators.

War ships[]

Type 42 destroyer

Type 42 destroyer users.

Type 42 destroyer users.


Civil airliners[]

Boeing 747 (jumbo jet) users[]

Vickers Viscount users[]

Number of Vehicles per capita[]

World vehicles per capita

Number of Vehicles per capita.

Number of Vehicles per capita.

Space launcher/rocket programs[]

Countries with space launcher programs

Space launcher/rocket programs.

Space launcher/rocket programs.

Child Labour[]

Enfants au travail dans le monde

Incidence rates for child labour worldwide in 10-14 age group, in 2003, per World Bank data.

Incidence rates for child labour worldwide in 10-14 age group, in 2003, per World Bank data.The data is incomplete, as many countries do not collect or report child labour data (colored gray). The color code is as follows: yellow (<10% of children working), green (10–20%), orange (20–30%), red (30–40%) and black (>40%). Some nations such as Guinea-Bissau, Mali and Ethiopia have more than half of all children aged 5–14 at work to make ends meet.

Chances of treading on a anti-personnel mine[]

Land mine casualties and fatalities

Chances of treading on a anti-personnel mine.

English: A schematic showing the countries with more than 100 victims of land-mines recorded between 1999 and 2010. The map uses data from International Campaign To Ban Land-mines - Cluster Munition Coalition . It was made based on the map shown in National geographic magazine January 2012, see http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2012/01/landmines/jenkins-text Dark red = very high number of casualties and fatalities Light red = high number of casualties and fatalities Yellow = moderate number of casualties and fatalities Note though that depending on the color and the size of the country, the mine-density and probability rate of actually encountering/stepping on a mine varies. For example, Russia has a moderate amount of victims, yet the country is very large; hence a country like Albania, Burundi or Rwanda actually has a much higher probability rate of encountering/stepping on a mine.

Number of people in jail[]

Prisoner population rate world map

2015 Prisoner population rate per 100,000 population by country.

By what I hear Thailand, Russia and the USA like jailing a lot of foreigners, whilst Cuba, Russia, Thailand, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Pakistan, USA, Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Israel and especially N. Korea have a lot of political prisoners. Teenage gags runied El Salvador's slums and California's inner cities in the 2000's.

Nuclear accidents[]

Atomic accident map

A 1944-2015 atomic accident map.

A 1944-2015 atomic accident map.

Helium huffing deaths[]

Helium huffing fatalities since 1993

Helium huffing fatalities since 1993.


Helium huffing fatalities since 1993.

Mineral production[]


Tungsten mined in 2013

Worldwide amounts of Tungsten produced by country in 2012.


Worldwide amounts of Tungsten produced by country in 2012.


World Zinc Production 2006

World Zinc production in 2006.


World Zinc production in 2006.


World Manganese Production 2006


World Manganese production, 2006.



World iron ore production, 2014.

World iron ore production, 2014.


Map of gold production

Map of gold production, 2012.

Map of gold production, 2012.

Diplomatic relations with Sweden, S. Korea, Tanzania, Israel and Kuwait[]

Diplomatic missions of Kuwait

Map of diplomatic missions of Kuwait on the 31st of December, 2010.


Map of diplomatic missions of Kuwait on the 31st of December, 2010.

Diplomatic missions of Tanzania

A map of diplomatic missions of Tanzanian on the 31st of December, 2010.


A map of diplomatic missions of Tanzanian on the 31st of December, 2010.

Diplomatic missions of Israel

A map of diplomatic missions of Israel on the 31st of December, 2010.


A map of diplomatic missions of Israel on the 31st of December, 2010.

Diplomatic missions of the Republic of Korea

A map of diplomatic missions of S. Korea on the 31st of December, 2010.


A map of diplomatic missions of S. Korea on the 31st of December, 2010.

Diplomatic missions of Sweden

A map of diplomatic missions of Sweden on the 31st of December, 2010.


A map of diplomatic missions of Sweden on the 31st of December, 2010.

Also see[]

  1. 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt
  2. Why the USSR broke up in reality
  3. 1880's-1910's Brazilian notes.
  4. African map links page
  5. Atomic warfare information notes.
  6. Baltics are Waking Up
  7. Cold War secret police organisations
  8. Estonia did have a submarine in 1937!
  9. How Governments become Authoritarian
  10. Lithuanian did have a navy, army air-force and natural resources in 1933!
  11. Minerals and fuel in central Africa
  12. Nations and vassal states of 1490-1500
  13. Nations in 1988
  14. Nations in 1991
  15. Life expectancy from 1947-to date 
  16. The truth about air rage
  17. The 3rd World
  18. O.T.L. history notes
  19. OTL Decolonisation notes
  20. OTL Natural disasters
  21. Singing Revolution
  22. The "Baltic Chain" demonstration on August 23, 1989
  23. The O.T.L. Operation High Jump conspiracy theory
  24. The Swiss National Redoubt (1880-2010)
  25. UK and Commonwealth OTL troop numbers in WW1
  26. UK and Commonwealth OTL troop numbers in WW2
  27. The causes of WW1 in videos and outside links
  28. UK OTL atomic reactors in 1962
  29. What is a coup d'état?
  30. Disasters
  31. Aircraft
  32. Missiles
  33. Submarines
  34. Cold War radio propaganda
  35. Cold War radio jamming
  36. Cold War secret police organisations
  37. Cold War
  38. What is an 'alloy'
  39. What is 'galvanizing'