1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki
Forssa Highway Strip.
Category. Statistic.
Location. Finland.
Opened in. Early Cold War?.
Closed in. Closed, assumedly at the end of the Cold War.
Operated by. Finnish Air force and now the Finnish transport ministry.
Owned by. Finnish Air force and now the Finnish transport ministry.
Outside link http://www.airliners.net/index/locations/Finland/145, http://www.kondruss.biz/mad/finland/air-bases.html, http://www.kondruss.biz/mad/finnland/flugplaetze.html, http://www.kondruss.biz/mad/finland/air-bases.html and http://www.kondruss.biz/mad/finland/air-bases.html#36372.

The highway strip is located on road 2, about 5 km northwest of Forssa. There may have been the equipment for installation of an arrestor cable at the site.
