An information silo is an ideology and/or mindset of a closed group or management team which withhold information from others without good cause on a regular basis.
An organizational silo can also refer to those who were denied such information if they are a small or isolated group.
People work in job description silos and Working-in-silos can also refer to people who don't adapt or retrain and stick stubbornly in the same job and same job description in there workplace, even when it's unreasonable to, for many years, if not there entire working life.
- https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/silo-mentality.asp
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_silo
- https://asana.com/resources/organizational-silos
- https://www.culturemonkey.io/employee-engagement/organizational-silos/
- https://humaans.io/hr-glossary/working-in-silos
- https://www.ideagen.com/thought-leadership/blog/working-in-silos
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkotter/2011/05/03/breaking-down-silos/?sh=56cf9a4763b6
- https://gloat.com/blog/what-are-organizational-silos-and-how-do-you-break-them/