1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki
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Why can't we see the Apollo lunar landers on the Moon from Earth ?-0

When you look up at a full moon, just remember that somewhere on the lunar face, the remains of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 along with 8 unmanned Russian Luna missions and 5 pre-Apollo unmanned American surveyor missions are all still there….. silently looking back….. unless of course you’re a NASA non-believer. so… why can’t we see these from the earth, why can’t we train our best telescopes on to the moon’s surface and see them there exactly where we left them the best part of 50 years ago. Well, there a bit of a problem…. and that is that the moon is 384,000 kilometres or 238,000 miles away and the landers and all the other things left behind are just few meters across. To give you an Idea how difficult a problems that it is….. it’s like looking for an object the size of a coin from 1000 miles away or the equivalent from New York to Florida…. so you going to need a pretty serious telescope. One telescope that springs to mind is the Hubble space telescope, after all if it can see galaxy’s billons of light years away then it should be able to see the Apollo landers easily…. shouldn’t it ?? Well, as with many things to do with space it’s not that simple. GTC footage ©2015 Gianluca Lombardi/GTC Title: Adam Are You Free? Author: P C III Source: www.pipechoir.com Nightingale sounds from Gerry Gutteridge flic.kr/ps/Mk2zU License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

  1. Moon walk
  2. Space walk
  3. Aluminium-lithium alloy (Al 2195)
  4. American X-aircraft
  5. Bell Pogo
  6. Bell Textron Rocket Belt
  7. Bell X-1
  8. Chuck Yeager
  9. Fake Moon Landings conspiracy theory
  10. Flying Bedstead
  11. Ham
  12. Jet packs
  13. KGB Chita Jet Belt
  14. Laika
  15. Mercury-Redstone 2 (MR-2)
  16. Moor 1969 Jet Pack
  17. Neil Armstrong
  18. North American X-15
  19. Soviet laser pistol
  20. Space rockets
  21. Space tether device
  22. Sputnik 2
  23. The failed Nazi moonshot of 1944.
  24. The start of American space travel
  25. Thoriated magnesium (AKA- Mag-Thor)
  26. Vostochny Cosmodrome
  27. Vostok 1
  28. Vostok 2
  29. Skylab
  30. Mir
  31. International Space Station (The ISS)
  32. The Moon landings
  33. Yuri Gagarin
  34. Neil Armstrong
  35. Chuck Yeager
  36. Laika
  37. Soyuz
  38. Ham
  39. Space rockets
  40. Space elevators
  41. Space tether device
  42. Bell Textron Rocket Belt
  43. North American X-15
  44. Bell Rocket Belt
  45. Avro Flying Car
  46. Bell Jet Belt
  47. Bell Helli-vector
  48. Bell Helli-jeep
  49. Moor 1969 Jet Pack
  50. Bell Pogo
  51. KGB Chita Jet Belt
  52. Small Rocket Lift Device (SRLD)
  53. RB2000 Rocket Belt
  54. Lockheed X-17
  55. Bell X-1
  56. North American X-15
  57. Albert II
  58. The space race
  59. Soyuz 7K-L1
  60. Project Mercury
  61. Project Gemini
  62. Apollo program
  63. Aborted Soviet manned lunar programs
  64. Salyut 1
  65. Apollo 17
  66. Buran
  67. The Space Shuttle
  68. Alan Sheppard
  69. Mercury-Redstone 2 (MR-2)
  70. Luna 17
  71. Alexey Leonov
  72. The start of American space travel
  73. Rolls-Royce Thrust Measuring Rig
  74. Lunar Landing Research Vehicle (LLRV)
  75. Flying Bedstead
  76. Vomit Commit
  77. Science
  78. American X-aircraft
  79. Cosmodromes and launch sites