1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki
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Know your politics, Sirs!

  1. CND
  2. WTC
  3. Trumpisum
  4. Duterteisum
  5. Popularisum
  6. Monetarism
  7. Ronald Reagan
  8. False news sites
  9. The political spectrum
  10. Wedge issues and political cleavage
  11. Libertarian Party (United States)
  12. David Cameron's "Big Society"
  13. Constitutional Party of the USA
  14. Threat construction
  15. The political spectrum
  16. American Presidents since 1913
  17. Czechoslovakian leaders
  18. Racial conflict in London (1959-1982)
  19. A political diorama
  20. Kent State University Shootings
  21. Controversial statues of world leaders and iconic individuals!
  22. Directory of all Indochinese wars in the Cold War
  23. How to tell your election was rigged!?
  24. Eurosceptics and "Little Englanders"
  25. Wedge issues and political cleavage
  26. Politically Communist and/or Socialist
  27. Politically Fascist and/or Nazi
  28. The 1950 United Kingdom general election
  29. Kleptocracies, Mafia states and narco-states
  30. Authoritarianism and military dictatorships
  31. Religious and priestly states
  32. National leaders
  33. Truman doctrine
  34. National leaders
  35. Ordine Nuovo
  36. Prima Linea
  37. Trumpisum
  38. Duterteisum
  39. What is a constitution
  40. How Governments become Authoritarian
  41. How to tell your election was rigged!
  42. What is a coup d'état?
  43. Gorby's phone
  44. Georgy Malenkov
  45. Blairisum and Blairites
  46. David Cameron's "Big Society"
  47. Monarchism/republicanism
  48. UK media bias 1991-2017
  49. Terrorist organisations
  50. Monetarism
  51. Terrorism
  52. The political spectrum
  53. A prayer for Europe
  54. London's political 'Loony Left'
  55. Nixon administration
  56. Kent State University Shootings
  57. Workers' Militia
  58. Workers' of the world, Unite!
  59. Czechoslovak coup d'état of 1948
  60. Soviet Nomenklatura
  61. Tito–Stalin Split
  62. Lord Louis Mountbatten's very British coup
  63. Todor Zhivkov
  64. Georgy Malenkov
  65. Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
  66. Organisations
  67. London's political 'Loony Left'
  68. Glasnost
  69. Détente
  70. Jurat
  71. Military dictatorship
  72. Socialist realism
  73. Ebbw Vale Steelworks
  74. The 1950 United Kingdom general election
  75. Techno-progressive\Bioconservatism
  76. Populism
  77. Eurosceptics
  78. Politically Fascist and/or Nazi
  79. Politically Communist and/or Socialist
  80. Ecologists and Green Politics
  81. Politically Liberal and/or Conservative
  82. How to tell your election was rigged!?
  83. "Reds under the bed"
  84. 17 popular UK Cold War era geopolitical myths and false beliefs
  85. 1928 West Europe Defense Alliance (World political shenanigans)
  86. 1939.6 Triple Alliance (World political shenanigans)
  87. 1940 Anti-Comintern Pact (World political shenanigans)
  88. 1941 European Coalition (World political shenanigans)
  89. 1950–1953 Korean War
  90. 1956.6 Advanced Arab League (World political shenanigans)
  91. 1957.0 Colón Treaty (World political shenanigans)
  92. 1960 Pacific Mutual Defense Alliance (World political shenanigans)
  93. 1963 Test Ban Treaty
  94. 1964.6 București Treaty (World political shenanigans)
  95. 1966 Aberfan disaster
  96. 1968 Polish political crisis
  97. 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (World political shenanigans)
  98. 1970 Polish protests
  99. 1974.5 Pact of Rouen (World political shenanigans)
  100. 1985–86 Westland affair
  101. 30 popular English Eurosceptic and nationalist myths and false beliefs
  102. 30 typical British Parliament constituencies
  103. 35 popular English Euroskeptic and nationalist myths and false beliefs
  104. A definitive list of 40 typical British Parliament constituencies
  105. A nuclear pre-emptive strike
  106. A nuclear\atomic holocaust or nuclear apocalypse
  107. A political diorama
  108. A prayer for Europe
  109. A surprise nuclear attack
  110. Absolute Monarchy
  111. American Presidents since 1913
  112. Assassination of Donald J. Trump (TL)
  113. Atomic launch command units (Nuclear briefcases)
  114. Atomic warfare information notes.
  115. Baa, Baa, Black sheep variations
  116. Banbury (UK Parliament constituency)
  117. Belfast East (UK Parliament constituency)
  118. Belfast North (UK Parliament constituency)
  119. Belfast South (UK Parliament constituency)
  120. Belfast West (UK Parliament constituency)
  121. Biographies
  122. Blairisum and Blairites
  123. Bosworth (UK Parliament constituency)
  124. Brecon and Radnorshire (UK Parliament constituency)
  125. Brentford and Iselworth (UK Parliament constituency)
  126. Bristol West (UK Parliament constituency)
  127. British Salmonella in eggs controversy
  128. Brixton East railway station
  129. Bydgoszcz events of March 1981
  130. Cabinet
  131. Cardiff Central (UK Parliament constituency)
  132. Carmarthen East and Dinefwr (UK Parliament constituency)
  133. Checkpoint Charlie
  134. Chelsea Clinton (The Second Renaissance Era)
  135. Closed Soviet locations
  136. Coalition politics
  137. Cold War
  138. Cold War secret police organisations
  139. Cominform
  140. Communist parties
  141. Communist Parties
  142. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
  143. Constitutional Monarchy
  144. Constitutionalist Party (United States)
  145. Controversial and known fraudulent elections (Wikipedia on May 28, 2015)
  146. Controversial statues of non-Cold War world leaders and iconic individuals!
  147. Controversial statues of the Cold War!
  148. Controversial statues of world leaders and iconic individuals!
  149. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (World political shenanigans)
  150. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (World political shenanigans)
  151. Country
  152. Czechoslovak coup d'état of 1948
  153. Czechoslovakian leaders
  154. David Cameron's "Big Society"
  155. De-Stalinisation
  156. DEFCON 1
  157. Demands of Hungarian Revolutionaries of 1956
  158. Democracy
  159. Disasters
  160. Donald J. Trump's victory (Trump '06 TL)
  161. Doncaster Central (UK Parliament constituency)
  162. Doncaster North (UK Parliament constituency)
  163. Dr Richard Beeching recommended the closure of small little-used country stations
  164. Dr Werner Schmidt's Reformation (A nice new world...)
  165. Dudley North (UK Parliament constituency)
  166. Ealing North (UK Parliament constituency)
  167. East Renfrewshire (UK Parliament constituency)
  168. Eastern Bloc
  169. Ebbw Vale Steelworks
  170. Ecologists and Green Politics
  171. ECOMOG
  172. ECOWAS
  173. English ethnic origins
  174. European Union
  175. Euroscepticism
  176. Eurosceptics
  177. Eurosceptics and "Little Englanders"
  178. Euroseceptic
  179. Federal district
  180. Finnish pseudo-neutrality
  181. First Gentlemen (The Second Renaissance Era)
  182. Foyle (UK Parliament constituency)
  183. France
  184. French Industrial League (World political shenanigans)
  185. Glasgow Central (UK Parliament constituency)
  186. Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye (GRU)
  187. Gorba
  188. Government
  189. Grand International Comintern (World political shenanigans)
  190. Greenham Air Base
  191. Harambe the eunuch gorilla lives (TL)
  192. Head of state
  193. Hillary Rodham Clinton (The Second Renaissance Era)
  194. House Committee on Un-American Activities
  195. How 6 East London railway stations are an analogy of London's East End!
  196. How Governments become Authoritarian
  197. How to tell your election was rigged!?
  198. IG Metall strikes between 1955 and 1985
  199. Independent Self-governing Trade Union "Solidarity"
  200. Inner German Border
  201. International League of European Allied Nations (World political shenanigans)
  202. Islington North (UK Parliament constituency)
  203. It's those 2 people again (NWO? map game)
  204. JFK
  205. John Boehner (The Second Renaissance Era)
  206. John F. Kennedy
  207. Libertarian Party (United States)
  208. Lincoln (UK Parliament constituency)
  209. List of Korean Republics
  210. List of US Presidents (The Second Renaissance Era)
  211. Liverpool Wavertree (UK Parliament constituency)
  212. Lord Louis Mountbatten's very British coup
  213. Maidenhead (UK Parliament constituency)
  214. Michel Varga
  215. Military and civil operations
  216. Military exercises
  217. Mining
  218. Ministry
  219. Mitt Romney (The Second Renaissance Era)
  220. Monetarism
  221. Mushroom cloud
  222. National leaders
  223. National leaders.
  224. Nations
  225. NATO (World political shenanigans)
  226. Nazi
  227. New Washington D.C. (The Second Renaissance Era)
  228. New York gubernatorial election, 2006 (Trump '06 TL)
  229. North Devon (UK Parliament constituency)
  230. North German Plain
  231. North Norfolk (UK Parliament constituency)
  232. NSC-68
  233. Nukes
  234. Oligarchy
  235. Operation Square Leg (1980) and Exercise Hard Rock (1982)
  236. Organisations
  237. Orkney and Shetland (UK Parliament constituency)
  238. Parliament
  239. Policy
  240. Political Bureau (Politburo)
  241. Politically Communist and/or Socialist
  242. Politically Conservative
  243. Politically Fascist and/or Nazi
  244. Politically Liberal
  245. Politically Liberal and/or Conservative
  246. Popularisum
  247. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
  248. Prime Minister
  249. Péter Veres (politician)
  250. Reconnaissance satellite
  251. Republic of Minerva
  252. Revolution
  253. Ronald Reagan
  254. Rosemary Kennedy
  255. Russia
  256. Russian and Soviet Leaders since 1917
  257. Sarah Palin (The Second Renaissance Era)
  258. Scenario: 1991: A new world order? (map game)
  259. Scenario:The Second Renaissance Era
  260. Sedgefield (UK Parliament constituency)
  261. Slough (UK Parliament constituency)
  262. Solidarity trades union
  263. Solidarność
  264. Some typical UK Parliament constituencies
  265. South American League (World political shenanigans)
  266. Southern Africa
  267. Soviet "Era of Stagnation"
  268. Soviet AgitProps
  269. Soviet medals
  270. Soviet Nomenklatura
  271. Soviet Social Apparatus
  272. Sport
  273. St. Ives (UK Parliament constituency)
  274. Stalin's purges
  275. Stevenage (UK Parliament constituency)
  276. Swedish pseudo-neutrality
  277. Techno-progressive\Bio-conservatism
  278. The "Baltic Chain" demonstration on August 23, 1989
  279. The "Friendship Games"
  280. The "La Técnica" torture center
  281. The 'renewed' GDR
  282. The (Jewish) Rothschild Family conspiracy theory
  283. The 1950 United Kingdom general election
  284. The Battle of the Corvin Passage
  285. The Colonels' Coup (NZ)
  286. The Korean Air Flight 007 incident in 1983
  287. The minor alternate states (NWO? map game)
  288. The Order of Lenin Medal
  289. The political dissolution of the Soviet Union and why it broke up afterwards
  290. The political spectrum
  291. The rules of war
  292. The Sinking of the MS Oasis of the Seas (The Second Renaissance Era)
  293. The Wrekin (UK Parliament constituency)
  294. Threat construction
  295. Threshold Test Ban Treaty
  296. Thurrock (UK Parliament constituency)
  297. Tito–Stalin Split
  298. Today's OTL types of economies, societies and regimes
  299. Tooting (UK Parliament constituency)
  300. Treaties
  301. Truman doctrine
  302. Tynemouth (UK Parliament constituency)
  303. Tyrant
  304. Union of Eastern European Republics (World political shenanigans)
  305. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  306. Vauxhall (UK Parliament constituency)
  307. Walthamstow (UK Parliament constituency)
  308. War technology
  309. Wedge issues and political cleavage
  310. West Bromwhich West (UK Parliament constituency)
  311. West Dunbartonshire (UK Parliament constituency)
  312. West Suffolk (UK Parliament constituency)
  313. Westmorland and Lonsdale (UK Parliament constituency)
  314. Witney (UK Parliament constituency)
  315. Workers' of the world, Unite!
  316. World War Three: Inside the War Room (BBC Two war sim')
  317. Yalta Conference
  318. Soko J-22 Orao
  319. Soko J-20 Kraguj
  320. Soko G-2 Galeb
  321. Canadair CT-133 Silver Star
  322. de Havilland Venom
  323. General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte
  324. "Reds under the bed"
  325. 17 popular UK Cold War era geopolitical myths and false beliefs
  326. 1928 West Europe Defense Alliance (World political shenanigans)
  327. 1939.6 Triple Alliance (World political shenanigans)
  328. 1940 Anti-Comintern Pact (World political shenanigans)
  329. 1941 European Coalition (World political shenanigans)
  330. 1950–1953 Korean War
  331. 1956.6 Advanced Arab League (World political shenanigans)
  332. 1957.0 Colón Treaty (World political shenanigans)
  333. 1960 Pacific Mutual Defense Alliance (World political shenanigans)
  334. 1963 Test Ban Treaty
  335. 1964.6 București Treaty (World political shenanigans)
  336. 1966 Aberfan disaster
  337. 1968 Polish political crisis
  338. 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (World political shenanigans)
  339. 1970 Polish protests
  340. 1974.5 Pact of Rouen (World political shenanigans)
  341. 1985–86 Westland affair
  342. 30 popular English Eurosceptic and nationalist myths and false beliefs
  343. 30 typical British Parliament constituencies
  344. 35 popular English Euroskeptic and nationalist myths and false beliefs
  345. A definitive list of 40 typical British Parliament constituencies
  346. A nuclear pre-emptive strike
  347. A nuclear\atomic holocaust or nuclear apocalypse
  348. A political diorama
  349. A prayer for Europe
  350. A surprise nuclear attack
  351. Absolute Monarchy
  352. American Presidents since 1913
  353. Assassination of Donald J. Trump (TL)
  354. Atomic launch command units (Nuclear briefcases)
  355. Atomic warfare information notes.
  356. Baa, Baa, Black sheep variations
  357. Banbury (UK Parliament constituency)
  358. Belfast East (UK Parliament constituency)
  359. Belfast North (UK Parliament constituency)
  360. Belfast South (UK Parliament constituency)
  361. Belfast West (UK Parliament constituency)
  362. Biographies
  363. Blairisum and Blairites
  364. Bosworth (UK Parliament constituency)
  365. Brecon and Radnorshire (UK Parliament constituency)
  366. Brentford and Iselworth (UK Parliament constituency)
  367. Bristol West (UK Parliament constituency)
  368. British Salmonella in eggs controversy
  369. Brixton East railway station
  370. Bydgoszcz events of March 1981
  371. Cabinet
  372. Cardiff Central (UK Parliament constituency)
  373. Carmarthen East and Dinefwr (UK Parliament constituency)
  374. Checkpoint Charlie
  375. Chelsea Clinton (The Second Renaissance Era)
  376. Closed Soviet locations
  377. Coalition politics
  378. Cold War
  379. Cold War secret police organisations
  380. Cominform
  381. Communist parties
  382. Communist Parties
  383. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
  384. Constitutional Monarchy
  385. Constitutionalist Party (United States)
  386. Controversial and known fraudulent elections (Wikipedia on May 28, 2015)
  387. Controversial statues of non-Cold War world leaders and iconic individuals!
  388. Controversial statues of the Cold War!
  389. Controversial statues of world leaders and iconic individuals!
  390. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (World political shenanigans)
  391. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (World political shenanigans)
  392. Country
  393. Czechoslovak coup d'état of 1948
  394. Czechoslovakian leaders
  395. David Cameron's "Big Society"
  396. De-Stalinisation
  397. DEFCON 1
  398. Demands of Hungarian Revolutionaries of 1956
  399. Democracy
  400. Disasters
  401. Donald J. Trump's victory (Trump '06 TL)
  402. Doncaster Central (UK Parliament constituency)
  403. Doncaster North (UK Parliament constituency)
  404. Dr Richard Beeching recommended the closure of small little-used country stations
  405. Dr Werner Schmidt's Reformation (A nice new world...)
  406. Dudley North (UK Parliament constituency)
  407. Ealing North (UK Parliament constituency)
  408. East Renfrewshire (UK Parliament constituency)
  409. Eastern Bloc
  410. Ebbw Vale Steelworks
  411. Ecologists and Green Politics
  412. ECOMOG
  413. ECOWAS
  414. English ethnic origins
  415. European Union
  416. Euroscepticism
  417. Eurosceptics
  418. Eurosceptics and "Little Englanders"
  419. Euroseceptic
  420. Federal district
  421. Finnish pseudo-neutrality
  422. First Gentlemen (The Second Renaissance Era)
  423. Foyle (UK Parliament constituency)
  424. France
  425. French Industrial League (World political shenanigans)
  426. Glasgow Central (UK Parliament constituency)
  427. Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye (GRU)
  428. Gorba
  429. Government
  430. Grand International Comintern (World political shenanigans)
  431. Greenham Air Base
  432. Harambe the eunuch gorilla lives (TL)
  433. Head of state
  434. Hillary Rodham Clinton (The Second Renaissance Era)
  435. House Committee on Un-American Activities
  436. How 6 East London railway stations are an analogy of London's East End!
  437. How Governments become Authoritarian
  438. How to tell your election was rigged!?
  439. IG Metall strikes between 1955 and 1985
  440. Independent Self-governing Trade Union "Solidarity"
  441. Inner German Border
  442. International League of European Allied Nations (World political shenanigans)
  443. Islington North (UK Parliament constituency)
  444. It's those 2 people again (NWO? map game)
  445. JFK
  446. John Boehner (The Second Renaissance Era)
  447. John F. Kennedy
  448. Libertarian Party (United States)
  449. Lincoln (UK Parliament constituency)
  450. List of Korean Republics
  451. List of US Presidents (The Second Renaissance Era)
  452. Liverpool Wavertree (UK Parliament constituency)
  453. Lord Louis Mountbatten's very British coup
  454. Maidenhead (UK Parliament constituency)
  455. Michel Varga
  456. Military and civil operations
  457. Military exercises
  458. Mining
  459. Ministry
  460. Mitt Romney (The Second Renaissance Era)
  461. Monetarism
  462. Mushroom cloud
  463. National leaders
  464. National leaders.
  465. Nations
  466. NATO (World political shenanigans)
  467. Nazi
  468. New Washington D.C. (The Second Renaissance Era)
  469. New York gubernatorial election, 2006 (Trump '06 TL)
  470. North Devon (UK Parliament constituency)
  471. North German Plain
  472. North Norfolk (UK Parliament constituency)
  473. NSC-68
  474. Nukes
  475. Oligarchy
  476. Operation Square Leg (1980) and Exercise Hard Rock (1982)
  477. Organisations
  478. Orkney and Shetland (UK Parliament constituency)
  479. Parliament
  480. Policy
  481. Political Bureau (Politburo)
  482. Politically Communist and/or Socialist
  483. Politically Conservative
  484. Politically Fascist and/or Nazi
  485. Politically Liberal
  486. Politically Liberal and/or Conservative
  487. Popularisum
  488. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
  489. Prime Minister
  490. Péter Veres (politician)
  491. Reconnaissance satellite
  492. Republic of Minerva
  493. Revolution
  494. Ronald Reagan
  495. Rosemary Kennedy
  496. Russia
  497. Russian and Soviet Leaders since 1917
  498. Sarah Palin (The Second Renaissance Era)
  499. Scenario: 1991: A new world order? (map game)
  500. Scenario:The Second Renaissance Era
  501. Sedgefield (UK Parliament constituency)
  502. Slough (UK Parliament constituency)
  503. Solidarity trades union
  504. Solidarność
  505. Some typical UK Parliament constituencies
  506. South American League (World political shenanigans)
  507. Southern Africa
  508. Soviet "Era of Stagnation"
  509. Soviet AgitProps
  510. Soviet medals
  511. Soviet Nomenklatura
  512. Soviet Social Apparatus
  513. Sport
  514. St. Ives (UK Parliament constituency)
  515. Stalin's purges
  516. Stevenage (UK Parliament constituency)
  517. Swedish pseudo-neutrality
  518. Techno-progressive\Bio-conservatism
  519. The "Baltic Chain" demonstration on August 23, 1989
  520. The "Friendship Games"
  521. The "La Técnica" torture center
  522. The 'renewed' GDR
  523. The (Jewish) Rothschild Family conspiracy theory
  524. The 1950 United Kingdom general election
  525. The Battle of the Corvin Passage
  526. The Colonels' Coup (NZ)
  527. The Korean Air Flight 007 incident in 1983
  528. The minor alternate states (NWO? map game)
  529. The Order of Lenin Medal
  530. The political dissolution of the Soviet Union and why it broke up afterwards
  531. The political spectrum
  532. The rules of war
  533. The Sinking of the MS Oasis of the Seas (The Second Renaissance Era)
  534. The Wrekin (UK Parliament constituency)
  535. Threat construction
  536. Threshold Test Ban Treaty
  537. Thurrock (UK Parliament constituency)
  538. Tito–Stalin Split
  539. Today's OTL types of economies, societies and regimes
  540. Tooting (UK Parliament constituency)
  541. Treaties
  542. Truman doctrine
  543. Tynemouth (UK Parliament constituency)
  544. Tyrant
  545. Union of Eastern European Republics (World political shenanigans)
  546. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  547. Vauxhall (UK Parliament constituency)
  548. Walthamstow (UK Parliament constituency)
  549. War technology
  550. Wedge issues and political cleavage
  551. West Bromwhich West (UK Parliament constituency)
  552. West Dunbartonshire (UK Parliament constituency)
  553. West Suffolk (UK Parliament constituency)
  554. Westmorland and Lonsdale (UK Parliament constituency)
  555. Witney (UK Parliament constituency)
  556. Workers' of the world, Unite!
  557. World War Three: Inside the War Room (BBC Two war sim')
  558. Yalta Conference
  559. Soko J-22 Orao
  560. Soko J-20 Kraguj
  561. Soko G-2 Galeb
  562. Canadair CT-133 Silver Star
  563. de Havilland Venom
  564. General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte