1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki
120 mm samohybný minomet PRAM (2)

Military parade in Prague, Czech Republic as the 90th anniversary of independence of the Czechoslovakia. 120 mm samohybný minomet PRAM. Author: Chmee2

120 mm samohybný minomet PRAM (3)

Military parade in Prague, Czech Republic as the 90th anniversary of independence of the Czechoslovakia. 120 mm samohybný minomet PRAM. Author: Chmee2.


The SHM vz.85 PRAM-S is mobile\armoured mortar vehicle based on an extended BMP-1 chassis.

It was then Czechoslovakia's main indigenous armored vehicle in the 1980s up to the nations abolition in the early 1990s.


  • Nationality: Czechoslovakian.
  • Made in: 1980.
  • The crew: 3. The driver, commander, gunner and loader.
  • Manufacture: Konštrukta Trenčín and ZTS Dubnica nad Vahom.
  • Caliber: 120 mm.
  • Main Gun: PRAM vz. 85 mortar.
  • Barrel length: 1,917 mm.
  • Track Gauge: 2,550 mm.
  • Max. speed: 63 km / h.
  • Max. Speed ​​Field: 28-33 km / h.
  • Max. swimming speed: 7 km / h.
  • Total weight: 15,970 kg.
  • Driving distance: 550 km.
  • Elevation range: 40-80 °.
  • Azimuth range: ± 15 °.
  • Maximum range: 8,036 m.
  • Minimum range: 504 m.
  • The number of rounds per minute 1: 18-20.
  • The number of rounds in 5 minutes: 40.
  • The number of rounds per 60 minutes: 70.
  • Power/weight ratio: N\A, but probably akin to those of comparable role, configuration and era.
  • Muzzle velocity: N\A, but probably akin to those of comparable role, configuration and era.
  • Armor: Protection from fire from light infantry weapons and shrapnel from artillery shells.
  • Retiered: No.


The armored vehicle's hull provides crew protection from both hostile fire from light infantry weapons and the shrapnel from artillery shells.

The ShM vz.85 PRÁM-S self-propelled mortar has both a high field mobility and a high rate of fire.

It is primarily intended to eliminate the enemy manpower, light armored vehicles and lightly built field camps.

The auxiliary weaponry consists or a 300 round 12.7 mm caliber NSV (anti-mortar) machine gun or a 9M113 KONKURS anti-tank launcher. The crew of the vehicle can be further equipped with anti-tank RPG-75, several F1 hand grenades and the crew's Samopal Vzor 58 assault rifles for thire self-defense.

Also see[]


  1. https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
  2. https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
  3. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM-120_(PRAM)
  4. http://shushpanzer-ru.livejournal.com/546393.html
  5. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
  6. https://www.valka.cz/1129-ShM-vz-85-PRAM-S
  7. https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
  8. http://wargame-series.wikia.com/wiki/ShM-120_PRAM-S
  9. https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A0LEVxO1HupYuJIASK9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyampwdTE1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjM2OThfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=ShM+vz.85+PR%C3%81M-S&fr=yset_chr_cnewtab