The SHM vz.85 PRAM-S is mobile\armoured mortar vehicle based on an extended BMP-1 chassis.
It was then Czechoslovakia's main indigenous armored vehicle in the 1980s up to the nations abolition in the early 1990s.
- Nationality: Czechoslovakian.
- Made in: 1980.
- The crew: 3. The driver, commander, gunner and loader.
- Manufacture: Konštrukta Trenčín and ZTS Dubnica nad Vahom.
- Caliber: 120 mm.
- Main Gun: PRAM vz. 85 mortar.
- Barrel length: 1,917 mm.
- Track Gauge: 2,550 mm.
- Max. speed: 63 km / h.
- Max. Speed Field: 28-33 km / h.
- Max. swimming speed: 7 km / h.
- Total weight: 15,970 kg.
- Driving distance: 550 km.
- Elevation range: 40-80 °.
- Azimuth range: ± 15 °.
- Maximum range: 8,036 m.
- Minimum range: 504 m.
- The number of rounds per minute 1: 18-20.
- The number of rounds in 5 minutes: 40.
- The number of rounds per 60 minutes: 70.
- Power/weight ratio: N\A, but probably akin to those of comparable role, configuration and era.
- Muzzle velocity: N\A, but probably akin to those of comparable role, configuration and era.
- Armor: Protection from fire from light infantry weapons and shrapnel from artillery shells.
- Retiered: No.
The armored vehicle's hull provides crew protection from both hostile fire from light infantry weapons and the shrapnel from artillery shells.
The ShM vz.85 PRÁM-S self-propelled mortar has both a high field mobility and a high rate of fire.
It is primarily intended to eliminate the enemy manpower, light armored vehicles and lightly built field camps.
The auxiliary weaponry consists or a 300 round 12.7 mm caliber NSV (anti-mortar) machine gun or a 9M113 KONKURS anti-tank launcher. The crew of the vehicle can be further equipped with anti-tank RPG-75, several F1 hand grenades and the crew's Samopal Vzor 58 assault rifles for thire self-defense.
Also see[]
- https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
- https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
- https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM-120_(PRAM)
- http://shushpanzer-ru.livejournal.com/546393.html
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
- https://www.valka.cz/1129-ShM-vz-85-PRAM-S
- https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/ShM_vz.85_PR%C3%81M-S
- http://wargame-series.wikia.com/wiki/ShM-120_PRAM-S
- https://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A0LEVxO1HupYuJIASK9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEyampwdTE1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjM2OThfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=ShM+vz.85+PR%C3%81M-S&fr=yset_chr_cnewtab