1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki


It was named after the world communist movement's flag.

Criteria for issuing[]

  • for great achievements in the development of industry, agriculture, farming, construction, transport and other sectors of the economy, to improve the efficiency of social production;
  • for the highest growth rates in labour productivity, improved product quality, development and introduction of more advanced manufacturing processes;
  • for consistently high results in the implementation and over-fulfillment of planned assignments and socialist obligations undertaken;
  • for major advances in increasing the productivity of agricultural crops and the productivity of livestock breeding, increasing manufacturing output and sales of state agricultural products;
  • for contributions in the development of science and technology, the introduction of the latest achievements in the national economy, for inventions and innovations which are of great technical - economic significance;
  • for contributions in strengthening national defense;
  • for very fruitful activities in Soviet culture, literature and the arts;
  • for contributions in education and communist political education to the younger generations, in highly specialised training, health, trade, catering, housing, utilities, housing, public services;
  • for special achievements in the development of physical culture and Sports;
  • for important achievements in the field of state and public activities, the strengthening of socialist legality and the rule of law;
  • for great achievements in economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between the USSR and other states.

A famous recipient[]

In 1926, the Soviet government the reaffirmed the Tsarist Russian claim to sovereignty over Wrangel Island in Siberia, Russia. A team of Soviet explorers, equipped with three years of supplies, landed on Wrangel Island. Attempts to reach the island by sea failed and it was feared that the team would not survive their fourth winter.

In 1929, the icebreaker Fyodor Litke was chosen for a rescue operation. It sailed from Sevastopol, commanded by captain Konstantin Dublitsky. It was low on coal and only making a few hundred meters a day trough the pack ice, but Litke eventualy reached the settlement August 28. On September 5, Litke turned back, taking all the 'islanders' to safety. This operation earned Litke and it's crew the Order of the Red Banner of Labour (January 20, 1930), as well as commemorative badges for the crew.

Also see[]

  1. The Lenin Prize Medal
  2. The Lenin Peace Prize Medal
  3. The Order of the Red Banner Medal
  4. The Order of the Red Star Medal
  5. The Order of Lenin Medal
  6. Soviet medals


  1. http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Order_of_the_Red_Banner_of_Labour
  2. http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Wrangel_Island