1945-1991: Cold War world Wiki


It was named after the world communist movement's logo.

Criteria for issuing[]

A great contribution, including risking one own death, to the defence of the USSR, or helping it's allies in war and in peacetime and for a great contribution, including risking one own death, in ensuring public safety in the USSR.

A famous recipient[]

Pavel Ivanovich Belyayev, who was the first commander of the cosmonaut corps and the cosmonaut who commanded the historic Voskhod 2 mission which saw the first man walk in space in 1965.

The legendary helicopter designer Mikhail Mil also got it.

Also see[]

  1. The Lenin Prize Medal
  2. The Order of Lenin Medal
  3. The Order of the Red Banner Medal
  4. The Lenin Peace Prize Medal
  5. The Order of the Red Banner of Labour


  1. http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Order_of_the_Red_Star
  2. http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Pavel_Belyayev
  3. http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Mikhail_Mil