The Indian Vijayanta Mark I (en: "Victorious") tank was used in Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. It was a main battle tank built in India based on a licensed design of the Vickers Mk.1.
The Vijayanta was the first indigenous tank of the Indian Army. The prototype was completed in 1963 and the tank entered service in 1965. The first 90 vehicles were built by Vickers in the UK. Production continued at the Heavy Vehicles Factory in Avadi until 1983 with 2,200 being built (other sources give much lower numbers: 1,600-1,800). A number of the tank hulls were converted to other uses such as self-propelled guns after being withdrawn from service. The Vijayanta has been supplemented by the T-72M1 in Indian service.
70 Vijayanta Mark 1 tanks were later fitted with Marconi's SFCS 600 fire control system; an option for 70 additional systems was not exercised. Under the "Bison" project there have been several attempts to upgrade the Vijayanta fleet with additional armour (the Kanchan advanced composite armour as found on the Arjun tank), a new engine (the T-72's V-84 of 780 hp), a new fire control system (the SUV-T55A), a land navigation system etc. It was planned to upgrade some 1,100 tanks but it appears that eventually only a small number was upgraded, only partially. Known versions include the Vijayanta Mark 1A with the Bharat Electronics Tank Fire-Control System AL 4420 with improved sight mounts and muzzle reference system. The Vijayanta Mark 1B was fitted with the AL 4421 system which incorporates a British Barr & Stroud Tank Laser Sight and a computer to increase first round hit probability. The Vijayanta Mark 1C and Vijayanta Mark 2 were the latest upgrades.
- Catapult SPA – Self-propelled artillery.
- Kartik AVLB – Armoured vehicle-launched bridge.
- Vijayanta ARV – Armoured recovery vehicle based on the Vijayanta hull.
- CEASE - The Canal Embankment ASsault Equipment (CEASE) bridging system.
- Vijayanta GBT 155 Turret – A Vijayanta MBT chassis fitted with the British Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited GBT 155 turret with a Royal Ordnance Nottingham 39 calibre ordnance underwent extensive firepower and mobility trials in India. This combination was not, however, adopted for service by the Indian Army.
- Nationality: British\Indian joint venture.
- Made in: 1963 (prototype) and 1965 (production model).
- The crew: 4.
- Manufacture: Vickers-Armstrongs.
- Caliber: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration..
- Main gun: 1 x 105 mm L7A2 (44 rounds).
- Barrel length: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Track Gauge: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Max. speed: Speed 50 km/h (31 mph).
- Max. Speed Field: Speed 50 km/h (31 mph).
- Max. swimming speed: Dose not swim.
- Total weight: 39,000 kg (43 short tons).
- Driving distance: 530 km (330 mi).
- Elevation range: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Azimuth range N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Maximum range :N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Minimum range :N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- The number of rounds per 1 minute: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- The number of rounds in 5 minutes: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- The number of rounds per 60 minutes: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Power/weight ratio: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Muzzle velocity: N\A, but probably average for type, era and configuration.
- Armour 80 mm (3.1 in) steel (hull and turret front).
- Retired: 2008.
Also see[]
- http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/India/Indian_tanks.php
- https://21stcenturyasianarmsrace.com/2015/04/08/the-evolution-of-modern-indian-tanks/
- https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Vijayanta+Mark+I&rlz=1C1PDZP_enGB701GB701&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnnejI2arUAhWKC8AKHR5sAHwQsAQIPQ
- http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/India/Vijayanta.php
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vijayanta
- https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/220223-vijayanta-mk1-vickers-mbt-commonwealth-top-tier-tank/
- http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/India/Vijayanta.php
- http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/India/Indian_tanks.php